Lebron James vs Kevin Garnett Trash Talk!

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Lebron James did not shy away from an opportunity to openly criticize Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce, two men that lashed out at former member of the Celtics’…

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Tommy Hedges says:

They wouldn’t be in the finals if it wasn’t for Lebron, come on dude… its
because of Lebron that Ray Allen even had that chance haha

Niko Maxwell says:

Yo goof ass

BaMaFaNoW says:

That white guy is a too

Caleb Fresh says:

Do y’all know the point of the NBA. It’s to win a ring , not be loyal to a
team. You have to put yourself in the best position possible.

Cash Young says:

KG & LeBron is friends off the court. This title is misleading. The 2 just
plays hard ..

Cody Kondratenko says:

Gotta throw Reggie Miller in the trash talking wall of fame

Jagdeep Bhinder says:

Rick I’m with JR. KG and Pierce never wanted to leave Boston. they got
traded where Ray Allen left for MIAMI with less money. LeBron tried to
prove a wrong point. I’m with KG on this one.

MikeyCreation says:

Reggie Miller Goat of trash talking

jack jim says:

Reggie miller one of the best trash talkers

elijah riley says:

Last time I checked KG and pierce were traded, lebron left willingly a
distinct difference so whoever is saying KG and pierce are hypocrites have
flawed logic

Michael Rose says:

Ray Allen Left As A Free Agent Though.

kazooga1234 says:

thx for this ha bisky vid and it seemed like for once lebron wasnt just
saying stuff for no reason and ray allen seems to have no loyalty i am not
sure about garnett though

abuomak says:

How could anyone compare the two situations? Has anyone been listening to
Paul Pierce post trade? It’s been nothing but, “I wanted to stay with the
Celtics, but I understand the direction they’re going and the decision they
made.” It’s not even 10% Pierce’s decision. It was 100% a Celtic decision,
and Boston was just classy enough to send him to a contender after years of
service. Garnett had the option to use his no trade clause yeah, but that
would have HURT the Celtics rather than help them.

anthony cheesman says:

kevin garnett needs to respect the king and stfu he aint even a celtic
anymore talkin bout celtics bussiness lol

knightofdreamz says:

I dont think its hypocritical of KG to make the comments he did. KG and PP
stuck with the Celts until the Celts decided they need to rebuild. Part of
that means not having guys in the twilight of their career wasting away. So
u take that final yr with the big 4 and u attempt to do something special.
If it does not happen (i think they could have taken out the Heat in the
POs) then W/E. But you dont go about it how Ray Ray did. I lost a lot of
respect for him and how he did that whole thing.

Dogfacesoulja8582 says:

Someone needs to tell that crack baby LeBitch that KG and Pierce got traded
and Ray Allen left as a free agent. Get your facts straight before you open
your ugly ass grill LeBitch. Fuck LeBitch and all his fake ass fans who
slurp on his cock 24/7. LeBitch is just sticking up for Ray Allen because
his sugar daddy saved his flopping bitch ass in the Finals last year. God I
would love to see the Bad Boy Pistons kick the shit out this crack baby.
He’s just lucky to be playing in a soft ass era.

don222able says:

Ray left when the Celts needed him for there last ride. KG and Paul left
when the Celts were in rebuilding mode. There’s clearly a difference.

ryanr20091 says:

fuck up bitch boy

GAME1502 says:

Rick! Reggie Miller! Come on! This guy made Jordan flip out…lol

PonzicSmith says:

Reggie has to be on your wall of fame

Steevenson Jean Baptiste says:

@dogfacesoulja….lol u mad bro. U clearly a spurs fan. I know it still
hurts I’d feel the same way if I was a spurs fan…lol

chickenwityamz says:

Theres no loyalty to teams, it’ a business.

NDRonin1401 says:

Was Allen wrong? HELL YEAH ! Sucker lost his starting spot and ran off
crying to the biggest rival … bitch move !!! Can you say Benedict Allen
?? Business may be business, but Allen has no fucking loyalty.

mike discont says:

I still love when Jayar Jackson announced with much melodrama that he was
leaving TYT and taking his talents to TYT Sports…

Cash Young says:

Ray Allen said he left because he didn’t get along with his teamates at the

lterry21 says:

Garnett had a no trade clause in his contract…he didnt have to go
anywhere…with his punk ass.

CGsportsandkicks says:

Ray allen left as a free agent KG and Paul pierce were traded totally
different things

MrKillerDuckful says:

they would have lost games 2,4, and 7 without LeBron. Seriously man MVP is
for the best player of the series come on man,

mishra88 says:

Exactly well said.

obiwannotanikan says:

Agreed. Paul Pierce was nothing but loyal to the Celtics. It wouldn’t make
sense for KG to stay if Pierce was gone. You either keep it the same or
completely rebuild. Cs going in a new direction. And KG and PP stay
together, which is good. Ray also left when the Cs were still able to
compete with Miami. And he left for Miami which makes it even worse.

don222able says:

You have loyalty to you teammates and the fans, it has nothing to do with
the organization.

elijah riley says:

and ray allen left in free agency as well

Mike Jimenez says:

I hope KG gets Aids!!!!

Alec C. says:

Ray left. KG, PP and JT were traded. Even though KG had a no-trade clause,
he NO DOUBT considered what was best not only for him, but for the celts.

kingv405 says:

Doc, Pierce and Garnett would all still be there is Ainge didnt want to
rebuild. Stop acting like they requested to leave. KG thought about
retirement before he waved his no trade clause. These are two totally
different situations. Neither parties were wrong in their decisions.

Gute V. says:

Fuck wade, never liked him, never will.

Braeden Montague says:

The reason KG and Pierce left is because they saw what Boston was getting
in return and saw that it would help them out and it would greatly help out
Boston. As for Jason Terry he can shutup because he doesn’t give a fuck
about Boston! KG and Paul do they even said they bleed green

elnegrobembon says:

kobe’s an underrated trash talker. chuck, reggie miller, jordan, and bird
are some of the best old school trash talkers too..

MagicKirin says:

Storm you are a LeBron suck up. LeBron is a punk just like Wade. Garnett
has 100 times more class than LeBron

circular pann says:

I dont see how lepunk stick up for his team mate and he was the first one
talking crap

obiwannotanikan says:

Yeah, that guy on the left is an idiot. Paul would have been happy retiring
as a Celtic, and he was going to be traded no matter what to rebuild. Doc
left. KG decided to stay with his boy, Paul, because they’re brothers and
the loyalty between what was left of the Big 3. The Celtics were still
trying to win it all when Ray left. If Ray stayed, we might not even be
talking about this right now.

Perry Cox says:

KG looks like starvin Marvin.

frAnky And chArlie productions says:

I think anyone can do whatever the fck they want! At the end of a career
Loyalty is cool but Rings are better!

mark21484ify says:

LeBron is right kg had a no trade clause in his contract.people David stern
stop kg doc and paul going to the clippers that why kg an Paul went to

ryan brown says:

It was a brother hood that ray broke up went to a enemy team …I
understood free agent why mia was not the only contending team

ShaneFM . says:

You forgot Reggie Miller for trash talking.

Underpantsniper says:

That peanut head KG is such a hypocrite……

ShaneFM . says:

Jayar forgets that Lebron FUCKED the Cavs. Yes, he was in free agency, but
he told the owner of Cleveland that he was going to stay. The owner had
confidence in his star player and didn’t look to rebuild the team. Then, at
that last moment, he re-nigged on his oral agreement and fucked the Cavs on
getting anybody to rebuild after he left. He left them high and dry. People
forget this shit and gloss over it and say…Oh, but it’s his decision. To
those people I say..SIT DOWN AND SHUTUP

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