The Return Of Trash Talk #4

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Trash Talk is a back after a long hiatus, Richard Lewis hosts as people call in an give their opinion on eSport related topics! 5:30 – ls and ocelote topic 2…

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one2gaming says:

In the Ocelote / Nick conflict, I would be on LS’s side completely and
Ocelote seems like he has a few mental health problems quite honestly, I
have family experience with people who have said the same exact things he’s
currently saying [i.e.] “the world would be better if everyone was like me.”

But if I knew Nick in real life or if we were friends, I would have bucket
loads of criticism toward him person to person.

He’s incredibly clever about in-game knowledge and is one of the brightest
minds in the English speaking Esports universe, but I am consistently
puzzled by his mentality and approaches toward any public subject.

MayhemOOO says:

what the hell Richard stop talking out of your gold elo ass the EU
challenger scene is still stronger and looking at the – for the most part –
bad roster swaps that are happening in na you cant really say that that
region is stronger right now

vvvortic says:

this is too long, didnt watch, srsly people have lives make this shit at
least 10 or 20mins holy shit

Tonnolin says:

The guy thats always first has the same dialect as Thoorin, i actually
thought for a second that it was him when i heard him the first time

Arthur Agafonov says:

Hopefully Nick was in dire need of the cash because taking Sky’s money when
he had absolutely nothing to do with the situation screams shady little kid
to me. Doesn’t matter if Sky doesn’t care about money, alot of people with
self respect would never take that kind of charity as payment for another
mans quarrel. Ocelote is scum, but the way Nick handled the situation he’s
pretty scummy too.

Niclas l. says:

Nien played mid top and ADc professionally so i dont think that he always
belong to ADc ;)

Wizardi1111 says:

LOL Of course LS wants to call in. Fucking kid grasping for all straws
trying to make himself look good.

Richard Lewis says:
TBN1337 says:

get me the video or audio of ocelote saying this and i’ll change my mind,
for now it’s the story of a poor guy in korea that try to extort money from
a wealthy and edgy EU old star player

WeeabooWarrior says:

ur mom

nchavoc1 says:

The Impaler thing with Dyrus isn’t just about the blue buff. There was one
game Dyrus was smurfing and Impaler didn’t know. Impaler flamed the fuck
out of Dyrus and thats where it all started.

vmxaesa says:

I doubt anyone can get to the top of any sport, if they are not self
motivated. You have to demand of yourself to be the best.

Top Doge says:


Wizardi1111 says:

Riot doesn’t condemn homophobic, mental ilneses. They obviously told him to
ignore him because even Riot believes that this thing got blown out of
proportion and taken out of context. And Richard you even go as far to
question the G2 worker sanity? Like they’re slaves that live in fear of the
whip? You just lost my respect for you.

one2gaming says:

I admire the McDonalds metaphor around 18 minutes in. 

Tonnolin says:

1:25:00 really bad excuse by ram

Arthur Agafonov says:

EU is resident sleeper. SHC is middle of the pack( and jungle spot isn’t
locked) exactly where Millenium were, who lost to Unicorns of Love.
Copenhagen Wolves are the worse team in EU LCS with out a locked roster. I
voted for SK even though they also have 2 roster spots not locked or
official. So who the fuck else were the people gonna vote for? Fnatic, oh
they aren’t going. Don’t blame the voters, blame the 4 teams being up for
the vote being trash.

MayhemOOO says:

Of course no player of G2 steps up against Oce, G2 is like north korea and
Ocelote is Kim Jong Un.

Tonnolin says:

Nice that you cut the wohle thing now

seallord93w114 says:

Agony Aunt from soloQ – Best quote of the show @ 2:06:20

MotiveToKill says:

Why is Ram saying it could have been dealt with over skype when LS tried
for months to deal with it over skype? Ram continuously disregards
everything and tries to do a PR spin. I’m surprised Richard didn’t call him

Arne VDH says:

its weird not hearing u say its richard lewis reporting from

Elliot Herman says:

i very much enjoyed this vid as ive enjoyed much of your recent content
richard. i do have one question. have you had any talks of this matter with
brokenshard and how does he feel about his employer being tied into all of

DixaRSN says:

great show man, subbed

TheTheromas says:

It’s k because LS got all his money from Sky. so his plan worked..

Nolan Meyer says:

I don’t mind Nicks points in any way, but I just can’t stand listening to
him. Especially when he keeps repeating things, and swearing

Joseph Hughs says:

I love the show, but I would prefer if we left the opinions of pros/figures
of the professional community for shows like First Blood. I like watching
this show because it gives the spotlight to average everyday people, and I
would rather give them the time than pros on this particular show.

Alex Forest says:

I dont like ocelot at all, but you have to hear his tone to understand what
he was saying. the first thing you should do is understand what he means
when he says people should be like him. assuming “like him” means generous
and positive, then him saying that people being more like him is actually
normal. sky williams was blowing everything out of proportion for more
fame. as for him saying that hes the best person he knows, if hes the
generous guy that he claims to be then maybe he is the best person he
knows, and honestly everyone should think they are great people, if not you
should change that. i think ocelot is a giant tool but he shouldnt be

OnlyElfen says:

I thought Pobeezy and Herios wanted to really play with Altec?

Γιώργος Τουτουδάκης says:

Time stamps anyone?

Juan Pablo says:

So everyone is saying who is going to jungle for CLG and there are so many
options but there is still one person who is not being offered and that is
ThinkCard. Thinkcard had 2 accounts in the top 20 before he started
scriming for the expansion tournaments and he has great mechanics and has
even subbed for CLG and for EG and has proven that he is ready for the Pro
scence and even stated in a interview he is looking for offers and honestly
picking up thinkcard woud be a great move for CLG because from what I have
scene on streams with him in the game he knows what to do, where to ward,
and even has great objection control.

rtwfreak2012 says:

There was a recwnt southpark episode about the kikstarter problem

Joshua Gentili says:

i love this being all about League yarns, so good keep it up!

Aleksandar Simeonov says:

Keep making video content Richard :)

Keaton Ferber says:

Riot would look stupid re-banning Ocelote because the did that stupid
taming the beast thing…

DamnIN1row says:

that first caller should say E A SPORTS TO THE GAME.
I feel like he can say that just like the real one 😀 let him do it next
time if he shows up again ^^

V ElMendigo says:

u did got money to the frst guy dont u?

MirroR says:

hope next time some CSGO or SC2 call ins, LoL only esports I’m not
interested in :/

lotozach says:

If anyone deserves to be subbed to, it is you Richard Lewis. I know you
don’t want it but you are the Journalist that we don’t deserve. 

TheSonicBeatdown says:

LOL please do the kickstarter documentary about people screwing others over
via kickstarter.


If you were ocelote your show would be better sorry. If I was ocelote my
comment would also be better though.

Jayro says:

Not to take away from Richard or the show, but this is probably the most
boring show I’ve seen yet. These two hours and 30 minutes were probably the
biggest waste of my time in a while. The first hour and 30 minutes alone
was about the same topic which I have absolutely no interest in. Then it
was just mediocre topics from there… Hopefully the next one will be

MotiveToKill says:

The guy in the first call is always so fucking annoying and doesn’t seem to
have a lot of knowledge about anything. I’m not sure why he keeps being
brought back.

idefiyable says:

Kickstarter is good for one thing though. Its a massive source of
entertainment. There are people who want to knit dog scarfs and want 1.5k
to improve “their skills” to be able to follow their dreams (aka knitting
course). Thats not even a scam. How can anyone not laugh about that.

Hydrogencar Hellow says:

the clg caller (last one) is fucking mentally retarded. circlejerking about
hearthstone, saying dexter would return to clg.. what an autist.. 

Daxt86 says:

Samuel L. Jackson wasn’t in Django Unchained. The main character’s steller
performance is carried out by Jamie Foxx. Producer Sam, you disappoint :(

HmHmKlonck says:

Im actually so glad someone finally said this.

Razkubaz says:

No time stamps unlike #3 :(

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