Best of Chael Sonnen Trash Talk

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A brief compilation of UFC fighter Chael Sonnen’s epic trash talk, mainly dissing MMA legend Anderson Silva! For more info:!SportsCourier!/FredRichani…

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vinni134 says:

In NBA, NFL, MLB, and even the fucking Canadian NHL; the total points sum
up who wins. This is like a decade too late motherfuckers, so chill, it’s
just my own opinion. If you judged Silvav. S’s why it’s fucking
awesome.onnen , Chael would have won, according to any accredited sport.
EXCEPT FOR ANY GODDAMN MARTIAL ART. He lost 1 round, mother fuckers. What
other sport gives a victory that way? Only MMA. And that is why is is
fucking awesome.

Adrian says:

Does silva really speak english?

xXx34m80a12c19xXx says:

Chael is a stuck up asshole….and a whimsy fighter

J. Payne says:

I wasnt a fan at first but Im a huge fan of Chael now, he’ll take any
fight, he doesnt care

sam tinifu says:

Never really liked the guy much but he can fight and really talk trash.. he
announced his retirement today

Seán South says:

All talk and couldn’t back it up. Cheater, mouth piece should join WWE.
Anderson beat his ass twice, without a scratch on his face. Jon Jones
showed how much of a mouth piece he is. Delighted he’s retired.

Niche Nightclub says:

Chael my god you’re a genius

lifestandstillhere says:

I love Chael. You should too. That is all.

Reece Budd-Hansberry says:

I can see you are on a rant so I am not even going to bother to read that.

SKATmandome says:

He acts as an angry thug that was caught with 17 times more steroids than a
normal athlete. cheating loser. good for Anderson for making him tap.

chuckyko says:

Now that Chael let a man lay between his legs, did he become a Democrat?

armytaskforce11x says:

Man fuck chael for dissing Rich the ACE Franklin ,chael is a bum

armytaskforce11x says:

oh i love when people use the infamous “ama cage fighter fuck mma” qoutes

TSC News says:

Chael 2016!

browneyedS says:

If weidman trash talk against anderson anderson would have taken him

MagmaR6 says:

Chael for president!

goldenglory79 says:

Ya thats cool, but he’ll be known as a clown that ran his mouth & got
smashed!! LMFAO

Hoarse Whisperer says:

Why is that? Anderson Silva is a multidimensional former champion with
knockout power, an athletic build, and good submissions. There’s no shame
in losing to him but you’d have to be a delusional fanboy to think that if
they fought 100 times that Anderson would win 100/100. Anything can and
does happen in fights… ask Chris Weidman and Matt Serra.

enculeur says:

CHAEL is the GANGSTER ? Which GANG he belongs to? Probably the GANG of
PIZZA makers ,with his MOM’s Supervision. He just a MOMY’s BOY.

goldenglory79 says:

Alright I’ll stop bashing your daddy!! LMFAO

TSC News says:

Good question!

rottero zaddot says:

hes a grumpy bastard mad dog and hes from far the best tackler ground pound

Hoarse Whisperer says:

No shit. He created a character for this fight that the fans could rally
behind. A huge margin of fans want to see the champion lose because change
is good, underdog story, blah blah. Chael created an ignorant republican
wrestler character that fans could get behind. He had to invent a non-ego
reducing reason that his character would ignore the first defeat going into
the second fight. He relied on that fake reason for his character’s fake
ego to thrive. This really isn’t hard to comprehend.

goldenglory79 says:

Its past your bed time son!! LMFAO

degreen2012dg says:

i speal great english clown stop crying, like i say u won’t never top us,
ask you’re woman. That’s what u call A plus english

Reece Budd-Hansberry says:

He didn’t know that tapping ended the fight. Bullshit he has done it

tonyio henrico says:


TSC News says:

LOL shut up. 😛

elijahv9howard says:

Why don’t you fight him then?

Reece Budd-Hansberry says:

I think most people laugh at Sonnen because of how stupid the things he
says are. If it is a joke it is terrible. Trying to take something away
from a person who has beaten you… Twice! Just makes you sound like an
idiot. Fair enough if he had never tapped out before but he has lost a
fight by sub before and then done it again and said that? He is just a
losing saying anything he can to get a rise out of people. Like you.

Reece Budd-Hansberry says:

How is that being a smartass?

gemstoner56 says:

U can say What u want about sonnen but Just watch the first fight with
Silva, that guy earned my respect. Silva Just got Lucky. If u don’t agree
watch the first fight, 4 rounds of pure domination, on the feet and on the

somebroadcasting says:

God, if Anderson hadn’t have ducked him for four years, he would have. He’s
just too old now. white people dont age as well as brazilians. Trust me, my
grandma who is seventy four looks fifty.Chael is the only person who can
say that he without a doubt, beaut up Anderson. The best fighter in the
world. RESPECT.

degreen2012dg says:

always crying if, i wish couldn’t mma sucks. get into a real sport FLOYD

TSC News says:

And hilarious if he beat Jones via doctor stoppage due to the broken toe.

TSC News says:

He did say he was gonna finish him lol.

degreen2012dg says:

What a loser don’t win but talk trash

degreen2012dg says:

this dude is a joke he make this rank #11 sport look bad, talking about the
best with over 10 losses, sit yo weak ass down.

justindraeger888 says:

It would have been so cool if sonnen beat silva.

built fordtough says:

That’s Chael P. Sonnen and the P…is for President

Joel Tardieff says:

Lol, he was so confident before his knockout. And I doubt he will have
better luck against Shogun because, just like him, Shogun is another guy on

Hoarse Whisperer says:

A lot of tough guys are mama’s boys. It’s amazing that you, a fan, would
dare imply that an elite cagefighter that competes in the most talent
filled combat sports company in the world is anything other than a tough
mother fucker. Feel free to string together some wins in the UFC and then
talk down to professional fighters.

degreen2012dg says:

weak ass white boy no power, can’t even please his Woman. John freaking his
slut. haha loser u aint nothing.

doodledo2 says:

you do know everyone in mma would fuck him up in a street fight right? once
it goes to the ground which would be fast (cause theyre not stupid enough
to stand up with him) hes helpless or should i say hopeless?

Dylan Ferreira says:

Love him

Mr. Schneider says:

Chael looked REAL good against Jones….REAL good. HAHAHA!

Hoarse Whisperer says:

It’s called hyping the fight and hyping yourself up. A coward that just
accepts “oh I can’t beat this guy” accepts that he is nothing. He talked
about how he was the best, how he could do this and that, and he came in
second place. Ali did similar things before his fights and he occasionally
lost as well. Does that make him a loser? Don’t bother answering, you’re
already wrong.

bilvis48 says:

He’s turning into ‘Mayhem’ Miller…their trash talking no longer matches
their skills in the cage…If he’s not careful..he will end his career
ousted with a string of losses and start posting goofy videos that have no
relavence to the sport that he is so well known for.

Decimalten says:

He’s being a smartass good job on picking up on it.

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