For those who were concerned, this isn’t real. It’s a sportcenter (or some
place like that) ad from a few years ago with the ending cut off. It was
part of a series of fake sport ads (this one was “sand diving”). The only
other one I remember was tree catching where the guy gets crushed.
wat een homo
because it´s some funny shit.
search “Fox regional sports” for other ones.
This is turkish you ignorant mother fucker! (to the cunt that uploaded this
video and anyone that agrees)
WTF, since when did Borat learn to fly?
I never get tired of seeing that.
not turkish kurdish
??? MMmmmm… ?
ahahaahaha WTF
IQ drop as fast as hitting the ground.
funny vid dont know why he bothers he should know chelsy will win any
diveing event
was this for real? Yikes! I knew there was a water shortage in iraq!
Holy SHIT….lol….hahahahah owned
lol dude is is verry funny and if it’s real is imposible
that is from turkiye-diyarbakir.but this place mostly idiot kurds there
no entiendo una mierda….
For those who were concerned, this isn’t real. It’s a sportcenter (or some
place like that) ad from a few years ago with the ending cut off. It was
part of a series of fake sport ads (this one was “sand diving”). The only
other one I remember was tree catching where the guy gets crushed.
u suckass, thats not Iraqi its Turkish
Thats not funny.
I could watch this a 1000 times and still laugh about it!
Lol at them clapping
ha ha. lol.
that’s hillarious
The are speaking turkisch. I know that because a vriend of my is tukisch.
This belongs to the section ‘Faces Of Death’. Pretty sick.
he wont be there for next year
lmao rofl! funniest thing ever
he wont be there for next year NICE VIDEO!!
that is turkish and it is a turkish commercial for National Geographic
he dead
wow, ive never seen anything like that… that a real iraqui sport?
Euphrates & Tigris.
funniest thing ever!
Thats kurdish im iraqen and thats not iraqi.
they should all do that
that an iraqi
hahahahahahahahahaha!so funny that i cant stand it!hahahahahahahahahaha
wouldn’t that, you know, KILL YOU?!?!?!?!
thats mesed up
even after that he didnt make it
i would give that a 10 instead of a 4.5!
bullshit o fake
oh my, is everyone stupid? it’s a joke.