Trash Talk #9

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Rough Timestamps for this show: 1:40 – A visual representation of my e-sports career 5:00 – Ann Pragg rant 9:50 – Garett & The Riot Conspiracy 28:00 – Forgiv…

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Elijah Wyatt says:

“league won’t stay for 10-20years”

holy shit the first caller is a complete fucking moron. He’s a bitch cunt,
just complaining about nothing. Dota’s been around for over 12 years, and
it’s not going away.

“The most popular version of dota currently around to date won’t last
another 10-20years, it’s a fact’

Fucking moronic and retarded statement. LoL’s been around 5 years, and it
still hasn’t even peaked. Online games that reach the levle of popularity
that riot has achieved don’t vanish. Runescape and maplestory are still
PROFITABLE, and they’re 12, and way old than 12+ years old.

And those games are garbage and have been slowly dying for years now. Now
think about league, which is posting better numbers than either of those
other two could have even dreampt of, not to mention that people are making
career’s off simply playing the game.

Fucking christ, the delusional people that think they know the future, when
they don’t even have a basic understanding of the past make me sick.
Fucking know nothing retards. LoL won’t be dead in 10 years, and neither
will it’s scene. Maybe in 20 the scene might start drying up, but that’s
really a huge stretch. As long as there is a reasonable player base, there
will always be a scene. And the player base won’t die unless riot trashes
the game(like shutting off the servers) 

Justin Kluge says:

wtf is wrong with the first guy? sounds like u is licking his lips or
something…. man he gets some real weirdos on this show. just think what
the guy looks like.lolzz

Elliot Herman says:

this guys talking about being qualified to be a mod… what a fucking joke.
this kid takes himself and reddit in general too seriously.

Frank Taylor says:

Ann Pragg doesn’t get hate because she voices her opinion. She gets hate
because she’s vile and hateful. 

gauterule says:

When i trash talk people nobody cares because my team always trash talk
back, elo hel gg.

jacob donahue says:

The first guy keeps on changing his points. -_-

4thot says:

>>I can’t figure out why you feel the need to belittle those that disagree
with you.
It’s simple. Idiots need to be challenged, especially when they are being
very loudly and clearly wrong in what they are saying, as opposed to just
being quietly idiotic away from everyone else.
My brand is fine and has never been stronger. I get more work than I ever
have, I make more money than I ever have, I reach a bigger audience than I
ever have. I won’t pander to morons or say “thanks for the feedback” from
someone who doesn’t understand the first thing about journalistic
methodology just to make that progress any easier.

– Richard Lewis

Sugoi Gaming says:

To be honest there is no real evidence that Ann Pragg wasn’t social
experiment by someone we knew or a college kid in UK/US. So for that reason
i’m hugely skeptical about her/he being a real honest about who he/she

Nick J says:

Great video. Not even over with watching it, but already want to punch that
reddit moderator guy.

55:55 Jesus Christ, this laugh takes all the cringe away for weeks.

Veljko Bogdanovic says:

First caller was your typical magik the gathering player hahahahah. You can
hear him licking the cheesy poof powder off his lips if you pay close
enough attention….

BurstIntoFireOfDeath says:

What is up with you not being able to talk about XJ9 and nick treating him
like voldemort xDDD wtf
edit* holy shit you even had to remove the VOD on twitch ahahahaha xD

one2gaming says:

That r/leagueoflegends moderator’s thoughts sound extremely saturated with
his bullshit talk patterns.

Gor Don says:

I found this episode very interesting, specifically the hour long call in
of the r/leagueoflegends moderator. I had a lot of thoughts during this
call in and I could probably write a pretty long text about it, but I will
just compress these thoughts into standalone paragraphs…

– RL makes the initial point of the moderator into a case of HIS
experiences with trolls on reddit. The moderator tries to explain to him
what alternatives RL has to avoid answering directly to those trolls, RL
twists his words into ‘you only called to give me a lesson’ though RL
actually was the one focusing on himself rather than the general troll

– RL’s perception of the LoL community seems a bit off… I feel like he
doesn’t get that a significant part of this community are teenagers who
probably are half RL’s age. I don’t want to generalise here, but a lot of
those kids are immature and just think differently about content creators
and the internet itself. Why would you wanna justify yourself to someone
like that as an accomplished journalist? If you’re not able to deal with
that, you’re maybe a bit too thin-skinned for the job… I think that RL
often feels attacked pretty quickly.

– A big part of the talk between RL and the moderator should’ve been off
air because it was mainly about issues RL is having with the reddit
moderators. I didn’t like his style of constant accusations at all. I’d
prefer a style of questioning instead. But I thought the moderator handled
the situation pretty confidently.

– Maybe this was just all plotted so the reddit moderators can clarify
their working process. I’ll give RL that, even if it was not intended to go
this way, it sure had this effect to me.

– RL is definately professional about the discussion, I liked that he kept
it on a ‘B2B’ level rather than addressing the moderator personally.
(Except the beformentioned accusation of the purpose of the call)

Ole Martin Iversen says:

Why does this video have dislikes?

tjd1985 says:

Where is that fucking samurai fight from?

Happy Puppy Productions says:

As a butt hurt 45 year old virgin that is hiding behind a fake ID I would
like to call Richard Lewis a lovely whore with juicy ass tender mouth…
🙂 Look I love ya bro, but you have to have thick skin to survive in this
world, if she and I dont even know who she is btw, and dont care, cant take
a bunch of 10-17 year old dudes giving her shit about anything then she
isn’t ready for this job. Just brush that shit off and move on, I mean come
on man it is the video game industry. Male dominated industry, male
dominated player base, when she faces idiots and assholes she should dig in
and fire out more opinions or just move on to the next topic. Nobody gives
it to you, you have to take it..

kassh says:

anyone can tell me the name of the song starting at 1:37:12 ?


First caller gave me aids.

Chris eugarde says:

“you’ve only got 4 years” Flash laughs at you.

kavinh10 says:

I have to agree with that guy to some degree on forgiven, the guy’s been in
the split for 1 season and because he looks great compared to his team in
retrospect people immediately assume he’s a top 2 adc during said split.
The same thing’s happened with players like Shiptur who look great compared
to his teammates but when he was put on a team who could potentially be the
best crashed and burned because people found out he simply couldn’t play as
a carry when his team’s winning he could just play incredibly passive from

Elliot Herman says:

everyone spare your time and dont listen to the first guy. he has nothing
to say and all he wants is less league…

Tmzoids says:

I am shocked that no one has mentioned or brought up the chat between the
mod… I think this is by far the biggest part of the video and should be
opened up for further discussion because Richard brings up a good point and
the mod kinda seemed fed up or tired of hearing what Richard had to say….
Very loud audible sighs where Richard tries to get his whole point in and
if certain things were said by Richard…. 

Sugoi Gaming says:

Sam is my favorite Pleb :D

Simon Houareau says:

most of what he is saying is right, but being a media “professional” he
shouldn’t be taking like that. He isnt just a scrub behind a computer. He
somewhat represents the e-sports society.

ChuckNorris130194 says:

The mod’s talk about giving people legitimacy by replying is just the
delusional reddit mantra of “if it gets traffic, it has value”. It’s
basically an evolution of cynical PR-thought.

OnlyElfen says:

You sounded particularly fuckin northern this show Richard, it was lovely

Ryan Hall says:

Having an opinion is one thing being like Ann Pragg wording your opinions
horribly and fighting against randoms on twitter is not something this
community wants or needs.

ㄇㄦ says:

annpragg btfo.

DEP tion says:

I wish you wouldn’t have given that r/lol moderator as much time as you
did. He was stubborn as hell and may actually be partially retarded.

Dan Duddy says:

What was that video richard played at the beginning. I want to watch it

ryan tuazon says:

man that first caller, had to skip him, his voice and the way he

kanaleis says:

I don’t know why people bother to have discussions with trolls and reddit
mods. I always thought that trolls were the scum of the internet until I
discovered reddit (and its mods)…..

kurobara3 says:

Ann pragg did get some unfair bad shit but she did express a lot of her
opinions in confrontational and offensive ways and when she was wrong
seemed kind of resistant and made excuses 

Alex Cayer says:

We make mistakes… Over and over again ! This dude tho

PrayerX9 says:

Well i find your inability to let people speak their opinion, that she is a
attention seeking whore, without to shit on it, hilarious!

xNothinFancy says:

Can someone tell me what time this show fucking starts. I wanna watch it
live one time and try to get on.

Vreil Humpback says:

Enjoyed the Mod coming on the show, he had nice points and articulated
himself well :D

oatmeal squirrel says:

league is going to stay unless someone else makes something bigger and
better, which i doubt is anytime soon.

PureCussion says:

Garett’s comments were interesting and such, and it sounds like he thinks
they’ll be the ESPN of e-sports.

MrAwkwardsquirrel says:

i dont get why the guy was saying you cant be a fan of all esports, im a
fan of fps and moba esports

Dewillough says:

The first caller was clinically insane , I love it

Karl Money says:

wow the arrogance of this reddit moderator.

TheMaharishi says:

Holy fucking shit that first caller was so retarded. What has he been
smoking =)

OnlyElfen says:

Fuck this reddit guy omgoooooosh, what an absolute dick, GET A LIFE

Bleashed Scull says:

whats up with your accent this episode Richard?

Ben Kelly says:

richard needs to shit on these callers more

SgtCharisma says:

The first caller , going full hillbilly ufo 

Bruce Pimpin' Wayne says:

Richard is your British accent way stronger this episode than others or is
it just me?

Filmore Johnson says:

So where can I get my hands on a doob?

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