Celebrity Jeopardy – SNL 40th Anniversary Special

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Alex Trebek (Will Ferrell) tries his best to keep contestants Sean Connery (Darrell Hammond), Justin Bieber (Kate McKinnon), Tony Bennett (Alec Baldwin), Bur…

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Daniel Korolev says:

I couldn’t breathe throughout the whole thing 🙂 

zamardii12 says:

Omg. Jim was fucking amazing at McConaughey.

digizilla164 says:

probably the funniest snl has been in years

Badfish says:

That was a spot on Christoph Waltz impression 

Razgriz85 says:

too bad snl cant be this funny all the time these days. the show stopped
being funny in the 90s.

Julianne Hannes says:

Norm MacDonald doesn’t age, and I swear he does the best impersonation of
Burt Reynolds. The only thing missing was Ben Stiller’s Tom Cruise and Tom
Hanks as Tom Hanks

Justice Suks says:

Very funny but the Christoph Waltz bit was the worst part of the sketch(and
possibly the worst impression ever).

miloesalazar says:

Get fucking rid of that annoying portray of beiber and that actress,
fucking annoying and ruined this skit.

David Livermore says:

1. Getting rid of Norm McDonald was the worst mistake SNL ever made.
2. Jim Carrey needs to get back into comedy.
3. Pay Ferrell and Hammond whatever they want to get them to do this skit
each week.

trahapace150 says:

This fucking sucked

oggyreidmore says:

You see, you gotta get the girl’s drink and add a bit of the zippity zap so
that when she drinks it she’s all flippity flop floozy – them ya do the
rapity bip bop until the pudding pops! Heeeheeehee! Zip zedooo!

Billy32210 says:

Bringing out the heavyweights from the past. 

Mike Stenger says:

Holy hell. In a good way :-)

Jonathan Han says:

Oh mah god i havent laughed so hard at an snl so freaking hard. Jim carreys
matthew macheuagnhey (whatever his name is) impression was absolutely
hilarious. “At this point i didnt know if i was dreaming him, or if he was
dreaming me”

the trueparadisecity says:

the jeopardy skits have always been my favorite, will ferrell is killer as

Ricardo Solís says:

Kate McKinnon is hilarious

Flike says:

Kate McKinnon is not funny 

piyush arora says:

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Eric Carlson says:

“it begins with an N” and “I like to solve the puzzle now” made me laugh

Side note: Norm Macdonald has the best stand up of all time 

JerryLiuFilms | 刘悦 | LiuTube says:

Fail. Sorry. I’m a big fan of this series, but this one just didn’t flow.

btmbms357 says:

I see im the only one that didn’t think this was funny

Elijah Gomez says:

Jim carrey and Norm Macdonald killed this skit.

Robert Eskuri says:

I wish you guys would post the originals. The last time I looked there were
a couple with only audio that seemed like they were trying to avoid
copyright infringement, bet they’d all hit a million in 1 day. Mr.
Robinson’s Neighborhood also.

Cactus Smoke says:

was this supposed to be funny? Sorry I didn’t laugh. It’s kind of like an
episode of Family Guy where you sit through the entire thing and you don’t
laugh once and then you remember it’s supposed to be a comedy… just kind
of sad really

The Best in the World says:

Laughing at all the hipsters on this section dissing the segment. Oh
really, like SNL was amazing back in the late 80’s before most of you were

Seriously, just shut the hell up. If the sketch wasn’t funny to you (then
you need you laugh a bit more because if you think non-offensive humor
isn’t funny, you would not be successful running a show like SNL), then
watch something else.

This skit made me laugh my ass off. 

Chriss Evans says:

0:18 “I like to apologize to our Asian viewers. We should have known having
Chinese history as a category would lead to highly offensive accents from
our contestants.” The only reason this is funny is if they view Asians as
beneath them, as a laughing stock, as comic relief. Notice the people
laughing right after Will Ferrell said “Asian.” Bunch of racists! Where are
the feminists now, the social justice warriors, defending the Asians, the
nonwhites, or feminists only care about white women, the middle class
average weight suburban yuppie hipster white women working in metropolitans
like New York City and Los Angeles?

Edward Cortez says:

How did will ferrel not laugh through out this whole thing?! I couldn’t do

Prank Files says:

All these guys are looking old…but they are still funny as hell!!!

Carloman M says:

IMMIGRATION = = = = = Just means FEWER White people.
MULTICULTURALISM = Just means FEWER White people.
DIVERSITY = = = = = = Just means FEWER White people.
INTEGRATION = = = = = Just means FEWER White people.
ASSIMILATION = = = = = Just means FEWER White people.
RACE-MIXING = = = = = Just means FEWER White people.
Anti-Racist is a codeword for Anti-White.

rodentcafeteria says:

For me, this was the best skit of the show!!

Hans De Kryger says:

Lmao! All time favorite recurring SNL Segment. #SNL 

wacka says:

“I have a moustache… …on my face” …like… where else would you have
a moustache? :P

Hunter Mirr says:

I hope we all understand that Norm Macdonald is extremely underrated and he
is one of the funniest people ever to be on SNL.

Sky Grayson says:

Celebrity Jeopardy –

Lucy Munro says:

their accents are rubbish and it’s not even funny?? why do Americans
complain about British comedy when it is so much funnier than sarcastic
silly American comedy!

Beartallica86 says:

Worst Christoph Waltz impression EVER! Doesn’t even look like him. This is
why the new SNL sucks.

mark224 says:

Why ruin it with a new cast member who isn’t funny?

Howie Benatovitch says:

Thought it was gonna be lame at first with the tired Beiber Jokes (wjhat is
this, 2012?) But then Norm Macdonald showed up and it was all uphill from

BlitztheDragon says:

My mom told me she was disappointed with the special overall, particularly
that they reenacted classic sketches. “It’s depressing to see how old and
fat everyone’s become,” she said.

Searchmeister says:

Where was “Final Jeopardy”?

Jeffrey Riley says:

Writing this must have been a blast for everyone.

Josh Jones says:

i died

Ross Santos says:

that guy laughing at Le Tits Now for 800 is the man!

Alexander Edward Pytko says:

Dialogue that I thought up;
Announcer: Welcome to Celebrity Jeopardy. Our contestants today, Lindsay
Lohan, Charlie Sheen and Sean Connery. And here is the host of Celebrity
Sean:(laughing wickedly)
Announcer:….filling in for Alex Trebeck, Pat Sajack!
Sean: WHAT?!
Pat: Hi everyone, welcome to Celebrity Jeopardy. Let’s say hi to our
contestants, Lindsay Lohan(who’s smoking and is cuffed to a policeman),
Charlie Sheen(who’s drinking beer and is on the phone with a woman) and
Sean Connery.
Sean: Ya can cut the pleasantries, Sajack. Where’s that weasel, Trebeck?
Pat: Well, oddly enough when he heard that you were going to be a
contestant on today’s show, he took a sick day.
Sean:(looking at the screen) Oh, ya did, did you, Trebeck? Well, I can
assure you, your REAL sick day is coming, if ya know what I mean.
Pat: Heh, heh. I’m sure he does, Mr. Connery.
Sean: You’ll regret this, Trebeck! I missed my grandson’s birthday for this!
Pat: Well, now that we’ve met our contestants, let’s see what our
categories are.

During the game;
Sean: Trebeck says he’s sick.
Charlie: Well, if he is, I’m sure his mother’s taking care of him just like
she takes care of you. (elbows Sean) Get it?(chuckles)
Sean: Shut up, Sheen! You’re not funny. Now, I can see why they fired you
from “Two and a half men.”
Charlie: Well, I can see why they didn’t hire you to be my replacement.
Sean: At least, I’ve got more academy awards.
Charlie: Yeah, well which one of us has the better track record with women.
Sean: Again, ME.
Charlie:(to Lindsay) Hey there. You know many people say we’d be pretty
good together.
Lindsay: I’m going to jail.
Charlie: I’ve been there. See? We have so much in common.
Pat: Well, it’s nice to see we’re all making friends. Now let’s resume.

LATER on Final Jeopardy;
Pat: Well, for Final Jeopardy it seems all our contestants have to do is
write down a stage of life.
They all write down something and Pat comes to see what they wrote.
Pat: Let’s see what they wrote. Lindsay wrote, “Jail Time”. I’m sorry
that’s not really a stage in life.
Lindsay: It’s where I may be for life.
Pat: Charlie wrote down nothing. Instead he constructed a bong. Which is
pretty impressive considering that there was nothing here in the first
Charlie: Well, the important thing is that it works.
Pat: And Sean wrote down, “Death”. Yes, that is a stage in life and you
wagered, “To Trebeck.”
Sean: That’s right and it’s coming very soon. No one stands up Sean Connery
and lives to tell about it. Ya got that, Trebeck?!
Pat: Well, thanks for joining us on Celebrity Jeopardy and it appears I may
be hosting again, next time and many times after. 

CodyComedy says:

Bill Cosby did nothing. There is absolutely no proof he did anything wrong
to any woman. I can’t believe SNL is still run by racist white elites who
want to marginalize someone like Bill Cosby who has arguably made more
advancements for the black community than even Martin Luther King Jr. The
skit was not funny because it demonstrated blatant racism, trying to say
that all black males are sexual predators, which is NOT at all true

No1important88 says:

Why did trebek say o dear god no no no when Bill cosby came on double

Martin Jones says:

Celebrity Jeopardy – SNL 40th Anniversary Special:

Joey Marlin II says:

SNL isn’t even funny. It’s just a bunch of politically correct libtards
spreading misinformation. SNL is simply libtards trying to push and agenda.

Adam Haacke says:

I thought it was funny, but I was disappointed being there was no Final
Jeopardy round.

SuperWillHatch says:

I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but this is probably the weakest Celebrity
Jeopardy skit that SNL has ever done. I can watch the older ones over and
over again and laugh every time, but this one just didn’t do anything for
me. Too many celebrity impersonations, and not enough of Connery trolling
the host.

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