Let’s Play Together Jeopardy Sports Edition 02: The Grind Goes on

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Watch as I struggle to have even the faintest idea on the answer to any of the questions! Watch and laugh! Heavensfrogman: http://www.youtube.com/user/HeavensFrogman.

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texasp1 says:

im not old but love baseball

fingusa says:

lol that woman was from my country ^_^ yay for CZ xD

fuandon says:

You know, you probably could have guessed “First Base” for every question
in that catergory and still come out on top!

CenetaurmanE52 says:

Man, this game went to First Base three times. Interesting…

Sedines says:

I don’t know the answers to any of these questions but I guessed the Jose
Canseco answer correctly. :p

BrawnX says:

Hey, I am , sorta, in the same boat. I am American born and raised, and I
couldn’t get a single one right either. I haven’t heard of a single one of
these answers myself.

FriendShadow says:

@MDFromNC13 Well, congratulations! But, the fact that you know the answers
for these questions doesn’t make anyone dumb. For example, I live in Russia
and have no interest in sports whatsoever. What do you think, will I answer
to any of these questions correctly? I think not. As for the boring part,
it isn’t. They try very hard to entertain us, and I love it. if you don’t
like it, don’t watch.

GoldDraconian says:

So… basically, unless you’re old and watch baseball all day, it’s
basically impossible to win Sports Jeopardy? Sounds like pretty much the
worst game ever.

acemage334 says:

thees Let’s Play Together’ r alleyways interesting

MorrandirGurthring says:

By $700, no less.

punky100 says:

And now you have offended everyone from Minnesota, congratulations 😉

emilysong2000 says:

They do occasionally repeat answers in the TV version, too, when you have
to pick from the terms in the category’s name. (i.e. something like
“Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral”). Just so you know.

Rusty Grizwald says:

Wow, if you’re having trouble falling asleep, flip this $#!t on…

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