Ayoade Jokes About Redford at Sundance

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http://smarturl.it/AssociatedPress British comedic actor/director Richard Ayoade, at the Sundance Film Fest. to promote “The Double,” which stars Jesse Eisen…

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NayyirahZ says:

It’s like watching Jesse Eisenberg fall in love.

Alex Brooker says:

I didn’t realize how funny and witty Ayoade is, I loved him in Dark Place
and IT Crowd but he’s equally as funny in real life. If not funnier,

sanamo86 says:

Ayoade embodies some of the best of British Humour, shame hes doesnt
recieve the coverage of other brits comedians like Ricky Gervais

NialasDubh says:

Any interview where you can hear the journalists (and the camera crew)
helpless with laughter is a winner.

Kojii Naz says:

I know Robert well, and he’d love this.

mick george says:

Hipster Beavis & Butthead

TaiChiKnees says:

No one can keep a straight face like Richard Ayoade. Ooh, except Calle
Hellevang-Larsen. If there is a god out there, please bring those two men
together to have a joke off to see who breaks first. I would pay to see

reallyrox says:

I think American people ( even Jessie here on the video) are not aware of
British comedian style, which is very funny so they react as constantly
laughing and chuckling cause they’re amazed of how quick their jokes are 

Marc Subnone says:

I like how he’s all serious with a neat accent and a deep voice saying all
these things keeping a straight face while everyone around him is laughing.
That’s a talent as great as making such good jokes.

jonno2019 says:

Jesse Eisenberg got it, the interviewer got it, everyone else in the room
got Ayoade’s humour, but its lost on some idiotic youtubers.

JJBinxyboo says:

Some of these comments explain why they made a US office: to fit the north
american sense of humour. You Americans don’t understand British sense of
humour at all. It’s kind of sad, really.

Mark Stoleson says:

The interviewer probably asked Ayoade about Redford, and Ayoade, in turn,
chose to respond as if he personally knew Redford. The humor is in how he
is seriously and quietly answering the question, though everything he is
saying is clearly absurd. There, I explained it.

CanardDeChien says:

“We’re in his safe word”

angry Puppies says:

Even if the USA folks don’t immediately identify with the British sense of
humour; surely the uncontrollable laughter of the co-interviewee,
interviewer and the camera crew provides some indication. 

rockndudette says:

Jesse is fan girling, lol dont worry, id be too

deinpare says:

The Brit is all deadpan; the American all canned laughter.

jabberwagon says:

Jesse clearly has a man-crush on Richard.

And you know what? So do I.

thelousyllama says:

i cant hear much of what ayoade is talking but i can hear jesse eisenberg
laughing like tender

Vickeisha Lall says:

hhhaaaaahhhhaaaa Einsenberg is just pissing himself XD

William Sime says:

Lex Luthor really needs to stop giggling

zzoom21 says:

the joke that richard is making here is that it would be absurd for him to
be close friends with a very well respected and well established actor like
robert redford. his humor is, as always, extremely self deprecating. i’m
frankly a little bit baffled as to how this could possibly come across as
him “making fun” of redford.

ScreamingTc says:

Richard is just brilliant at highlighting the absurdity of celebrity

psychosissafari says:

It’s a little bit mind boggling to me to see the amount of angry comments
of dislike on what is essentially just a clip of some humorous
conversation. To me it’s just a small clip of Ayoade being naturally very
funny. I can’t understand how somebody could ‘not get’ this. Does his
deadpan delivery make people not recognize he’s joking? But then how could
you not get it’s a joke from what he’s saying? How do you live through life
getting spontaneously angered or dumbfounded at inappropriate moments?
Very odd

Jane F says:

Some of the comments explain why the US office had to be retooled so much
to fit the north american sense of humor. 

themattj says:

Honestly, I’m not sure which I find funnier, Richard’s comments or those of
the inbred simpletons, angered by his comments. I could argue for either.
Perhaps my favorite, though, is the comment to a comment, where
+sarah malik states that she gets the point of Richard’s humor, even with
English being her third language. But, to be fair, in order to speak three
languages, your education likely exceeded the fourth grade and your IQ has
never been surpassed by that of a rhesus monkey. The support for my belief
that these idiotic comments are being made by members of a sub-human
species that have been trained to type English words, but lack the
abilities to reason and to have sex with mates outside their immediate
family, was most affirmed by +donniebrasco24. He capitalizes a dangling
phrase, but not the start of a sentence, he implies that Richard is not
funny, but then lables him “Silly”, and, most poinantly, refers to a man as
a “turd” and a “negroe”, even when that man earns himself more in an hour
than the combined net worth of donnie’s branchless family tree!

Gooners Rule says:

Ha Ha Got to laugh at these comments below. Some people just dont get it.
Richard Ayoade is an incredible talent as is Robert Redford. So chill the
fuck out!

soiled says:

Dean Learner, we love you.

bilbogaybear says:

jesse is so sexy !! ??

Brendanvio says:

Eisenberg’s gone. 

Nx Doyle says:


GoLakers09Champs says:

Jesse Eisenberg looks stoned as fuck

richard murphy says:

And the Fucking Industry is Dead

easystradlin says:

This is so damn good! Richard is a genius! Thank you for share it! It makes
me laugh a lot! 🙂 

Fravas says:

@Singularity2039 it must be hard getting old. I wish I could help you.

KennethJoohyun Han says:

Moss!! :)

Ejame Medal says:


Josh Thomas says:


Sally Darvell says:


CriLiC3 says:

To the offended on the actor’s behalf,
Ayoade is renowned in England for being one of the cleverest (dryest) wits
in the country. I can bet ya the referenced actor would be kickin himself.
That’s English humour: take the piss outa the next person. Ain’t nobody got
time for fragility.

melissa mmorris says:

i’ve never seen jesse laugh like that:P

Lea Tapmicha says:

Yo Singularity. Have a sense of humour. Richard Ayoade is a genius comic
and director. Is funny. You like?

SJ Gilbert says:

jesse eisenberg is 2 high

Naushad Manjothi says:

he looks like college ted mosby

ladylordess says:

Where are the “jokes” that were promised in the title of this clip? There
is much to poke fun at and many jokes that can be made about Redford and
his liberal loon rants. Although, he isn’t hard on the eyes.

IronicallyVague says:

Don’t get it?

Why would some no talent idiot’s opinion on an actor make it to a public
news channel?

kansas66701 says:

This clown asshole is NOT funny at all! Wtf is he doing here making fun of
a such a great actor as Robert Redford??? Mr. Redford started the Sundance
Festival! This idiotic “wanker” is making fun of an ICON! What he said was
not funny at ALL! I’m very offended by his RUDE NASTY comments!

daniel743es says:

Moss !

bluhousworker says:

This is quite a compliment.

T.J. Vliet says:

singularity 2039, stop being such a douche and allow responds to your
annoying comments. No one will be talking about your dumb ass in under 2
days, STFU?

kansas66701 says:

Never heard of this “comic genius” and I didn’t find anything funny in what
he said!!! It didn’t even make sense, although I got the gist that he was
making fun of one of the world’a greatest actors! Giggling like stoned out
girls! Just a pair of wankers!

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