BEST football blooper ALL TIME (with ESPN highlights): Andre Parker Kent State

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On aug 30, 2012 Kent state punted to Towson and Andre Parker of Kent State picked up the ball and ran it the OTHER WAY. Even worse, the other team was trying to TACKLE HIM and succeeded while…

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seaturtledylan says:

Its no completely his fault, Its muscle memory, he picked up the ball and
ran the direction he picked up the ball, like you do on a fumble, and the
defender tackled him, out of muscle memory.

torontothegood says:

i don’t get it.. how did he get to receive the ball? should he have run for
a touchdown?

Quinn Krug says:

The majority of them are idiots. If the other team realized what was
happening they’d let him go deeper into their territory. 

Redd Dust says:

Lmao both teams are idiots

PG Gamer says:

If I was Towson I would get a free 2-points

Steven Waddell says:


MegaFluffy says:

O wait it says blooper not bloopers nvm

PG Gamer says:

Glad these guys don’t go to osu… GO BUCKS!

zumbafitnfabulous says:

oh hu ow oh o

MegaFluffy says:

That was only 1 blooper

Lucky Luciano says:

How does towson NOT realize that he’s running the wrong way??? Did they not
know which way they were returning, before the kick? 

Lucky Luciano says:

y the fuk is towson trying to tackle him??? 

klr5dms14 says:

He might be stupid. But he wasn’t the only stupid player on the field at
that moment. The other 20 was trying to block and tackle him as well.

Grover Garver says:

By rule this is a “Muff” not a fumble. The recieving team player touched it
but did not control it. If the kicking team recovers it, it is dead
immediately at the spot of recovery.

Tony Rosamilia says:

LOL “Party Rock!”

WhippedNoobCream says:

I go to towson and it seems everyone on both team are dumbfucked. Not only
does kent state guy go the wrong way and two players tackle him too early,
but even the punt return said hes not going to return the punt by crossing
his hands and his hands attempt to get the punt.

anthonyespanolxbox says:

Hhahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahaha sooo funny

beastieblake44 says:

and that’s why Kent state is in the MAC

Cody Morgan says:

That was a field full of fails…

John Passiales says:

will you teach me to football….

205whiteboy says:

If Alabama did that, Nick Saban would murder every player involved.

USMCWalker T says:

LMFAOO. 1:36 Has me dying

The Unman says:

its more stupid because the offense is trying to tackle him???

thedistrict1986 says:


AlexTubed says:

strange…there’s 21 other players.

DubStackG says:

Gotta love Andre Parker, the Kent State special teams and the other team.
They should have let him “scored” if he got up talking smack like that
after he got stopped just imagine if he would have “scored,” that dude
would have gone into straight into
PrimeTimeOchoCincoT.O.WhiteShoesJohnsonIckeyShuffle Mode, LMAO. Oh the
humanity… he’d been doing cartwheels and back flips, high-stepping,
Heisman posing, signing footballs, and kissing babies, only to find out
he’s the dummy of the day, ROTFLMAO.

zem111 says:


deathbyqtip33 says:

Loller skatin on the roflcopter.

hofifut says:

Thx for clarifying. That makes sense. But the other points still don’t.

dsanchezc3 says:

Funny shit….thats his legacy…the dumb fuck who ran the wrong way

buckeye3175 says:

Lol he says HOLY MOLY

44ron73 says:

Man that was the BEST return I have ever seen…WRONG WAY BRO BUT GREAT

azimby says:

football? i dont see football there

ixcuincle says:

LOL! Is Joe Beninati doing this game

scoot nitdowntown says:

He has reservations for 6!

Bob Papadopoulos says:

A big fine? This is college football, dumbass, they don’t levy fines
against players.

Andres Briones says:

maybe he knew that you cant advance a muffed punt and just wanted to troll

killanwh says:

lol derp.

Grover Garver says:

Who’s the dumbest? 7. The announcers for not realizing that this was a
“muff” and the ball was already dead back at the 6 yard line.

Bob Papadopoulos says:

I don’t know what’s dumber: him returning it the wrong way or the other
team stopping him!

mannoualify says:

“Dude is HUSTLING! Throwing stiff arms, breaking tackles, YEAH!” LOL

deathbat616 says:


Deaconblues323 says:

I’ll give him a break, it was a punt…and none of the Towson players
figured it out either. Also, a muffed punt cant be advanced so the ball
goes back to where he recovered it.

Doubleshot98 says:

this is what Obama is doing to our country…. wrong way

Dre M says:

I no longer feel bad for scoring on my own goal in soccer when I was 12
years old

cell2befree says:

dude you made espn

sbaker190189 says:

Not sure what’s dumber, the wrong way run or the players tackling the
player running the wrong way, lol

Alex Turner says:

i dont know whats worse, that hes returning it the wrong way, or that the
other team is trying to tackle him lol!!!

Derrick Smith says:

Dumn asss

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