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BEST NEWS BLOOPERS 2014 / 2015 Subscribe for more news bloopers, and funny videos 2015

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TheFunOfGaming says:

Wohh, the thumbnail was actually in the video…

Daniel Arroyo says:

At 2:40 I thought that was captain jack sparrow in the background

VStube says:

Shes a miami reporter. Her name is Jenny scordamaglia. You’re all welcome:p

Kenneth White says:

I really like Iron Mike. Given it to’em straight.

1985Viggen says:

American girls are so much hotter than swedish girls 😮 

Pablo Rages says:

Mike Tyson is FUNNY AS

ghuldorgrey says:

what the hell? in europe you can swear in tv without problems.

OneDollaBill88 says:

his wife is Spiederman 😀 wow, I can’t believe it, never thought of
SpiederMAN being a woman … Marvel is always good for a suprise 😉 by the
way, have to put my shoes own, it is snowing, so perfect time for running
😀 :-D

Weber562 says:

How come my city doesn’t have a fuck truck? WTF???

Griffin Sherry says:

10:20 White girl problems.

Zomious says:

I hope they catch that 4Chan guy…

Saddam Al Harbi says:

How come they didn’t show the one where the filthy regime tv was
threatening ISIS but right on that moment ISIS explosion happens few meters
away LOL don’t fuck with ISIS

Azrael Astrum says:

On the contrary Mr. Mike freaking-Rapist Tyson…your the piece of shit!!

bakedwithrealchez says:

Oh no not facebook. People won’t be able to live there life on facebook. So
sad that that type of bullshit makes news

NbAlIvEr100 says:

Jack Sparrow was funny as shit.

JCF9000 says:

Thank you for coming in.
Fuck you. 

David Starkey says:

1985 viggen..that wont get u laid! american women r the most narcissistic,
plastic and least attractive women in the world. dude you dont get out much
do you.???


شاكر شاكر لا يا اخوان
فضحتونا عند العالم ههههههههههه

neutralgrounds07 says:

The clip at 5:02… That just gave me cancer… Quintessential british…

freedom4kaz says:

This video sucks, most of these clips are years old!!

Jason Nguyen says:

f*** truck..oops fire truck..haha

Rick emedi says:

7:40 NAACP im dying.. another Blonde moment!!!

Michael Stevens says:

Based on how slutty hispanic girls/women dress in general , was anyone
actually shocked that the tit-girl in pink spoke spanish ?

shaun heron says:

“Fuck you”

Debra Corbett says:

I love when people just run through the cmera like the unicorn guy XD

Chaaya Schatten says:

you can jump me anytime ?????O.o

Glenn Jorgensen says:

Hey Sen. Grimm…. why don’t you try throwing me off the fucking balcony

Duder Florek says:

The bike in the start, lolol

Lee McCullum says:

I’m I seeing things or did I see Erykah Badu

Trevor Hughes says:

So hot. There is no way she didn’t know her shirt was undone though.
Accident, intentional, who cares?

Christian Lemus says:

the reporter said “this tops it all, the fake plane crash etc”

B Clayton says:

fuk that chick in the pink shirt is sooo fucn hot!!! mmm mmm mmmmmm

Chas Schoals says:


Damian Grant says:

:28 is my local news

vhsjvc says:

some great stuff!

BestPranksTV says:


rese buff says:


«Инструмент Ы́!!!» says:

тупорылые америкашки блять

Chas Schoals says:


chesmaster2ky says:

ROFL @ 9:41 . LOL

Zsolt Vadon says:

1:46 Hungary rulezzzz :D

darthvader4hire says:

who this chick with nice boobs?

Mousecam says:

Finally a YouTube vid with tits from the thumbnail

adam ouinaksi says:

8:35 is so hillarius lol

Monci Kino says:


Dai Tram says:

Có Việt Nam mình nữa kìa hihi

MegaShenster says:

best part listen to wat he says

Jonathan Perez says:

i didn’t shove anything down his throat. 

Xxxxx Xxxx says:

Có vn kìa

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