Best News Bloopers February 2015 Amazing Reporter Fails

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AngelCom Best,Fail,Epic,Funny,Fails,January 2015,Amazing Fail/Win,Girls Fails,Drunk Girls,Hilarious Moments,Stupid People,Ultimate Fail Compilation …

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funnyfailcomp says:
Peter Bodenham says:

so are those black women going to get punished for their racism?….

Phibes Lives says:

8:53 – Somebody skipped breakfast.

ccrosbie33 says:

How many old clips can you recycle and call it February 2015.

funnyarmytv says:
shavingfactory says:
harrison hamilton says:

7:22 replace Don Lemon with that guy. 

Lord Thump says:

8:53 was obvious a faint and not a fall, those co anchors were oblivious to
the fact that their reporter got light headed and fainted.

brottarnacke says:

I really want to punch that guy for dropping the chocolate egg. Who does a
thing like that?

Lars T. says:

Well, that’s perfectly normal. I always talk to interviewers with their
boobs hanging out.

daniel stephens says:

Holy Shit! Miley fans are fucking retards.

Steven Kirby says:

Detoit sweetneesss

arash shibaie says:

White trash reporter-I wouldn’t do that—-bam coffee in her face LOL !!

Far Sight says:

thousand foot shitters

Lord Flashjet and The Galaxy of Pleasure says:

Why are you smiling so much?…!!! Like she doesn’t know!

yoe91 says:

I mean it’s really the very, very last step before seeing nipple. Amazing,
didn’t know this could be pulled off.

funnyfailcomp says:
Javier Díaz says:

Who is she?

смешноевидео says:
dash1dash2 says:

FYI The first one with the open blouse is pranking people, it’s on purpose.

Steven Kirby says:

NUKE Atalata

Millie Holt says:

0:30 “Why is everybody promoting their clothing line?”

At least they wear clothes…

Al Bundy says:


Mathew Boyd says:

Frank Marzulo for the win!!!!!!

boubou flash says:

une femme n’est pas plus vicieuse qu’un homme ces juste quelle tombe sur
des cons

‫سيد نبيه‬‎ says:
StickFiguresMaster says:

“Obama is a war criminal” XD im dying!!!

Kevin Lee says:

forgive me for everything everyone for having bad thoughts while reading
your comments

Velcroisaripoff says:

3:11…..see…no such thing as racism towards white people ;]

dannydaw59 says:

The one at 7:00 is old.

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