Black Jeopardy – Saturday Night Live

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Contestants answer questions in categories like That Girl, Had That Been Me and It’s Been A Minute. Get more SNL: Full…

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Saturday Night Live says:

Black Jeopardy: Contestants answer questions in categories like That Girl,
Had That Been Me and It’s Been A Minute. #SNL #SaturdayNightLive

Parker So Fetch says:

This is funny as fuck. it’s obviously mocking the racism it portrays, not
promoting it. God, people; the word is SATIRE.

Michael Vick? That’s fucking HILARIOUS. Sarah Mc(Whatever) is pretty funny
too. That damn commercial gets on my nerves. Lmao.

It’s hilarious. Learn to take jokes as jokes. Not seriously. If they were
serious, they wouldn’t be jokes. That’s how it works.

Also, rap songs that start with N. – “What is No New Friends?”

DeftWombat says:

Wait, so why isn’t this racist? I mean, ‘white’ jeopardy would be a racist
segment, and real jeopardy would never bar someone based on skin.

I don’t like bits like this that continue to push and endorse a reference
to the black or white “only” reference again. Martin Luther King Jr. asked
both sides to cross the divide.

there is no such thing as black or white if you really think about it.

paudeline says:

If Black Jeopardy is racist, then so are BET and Black History Month.

Khesanio Moon says:

Rap Songs that start with the letter N? Mark would have been fine

1) Rae Sremmurd – No Type

2) Lil Wayne – No ceilings

3) Drake – No New Friends

4) Drake – Nothing was the same

mesha mesh says:

Instead of calling this Black Jeopardy it should of been called ignorant
Jeopardy its stereotyping African Americans because we don’t all think or
share these views… 

Relojo Asenime says:

Black Jeopardy – Saturday Night Live:

travis scott says:

The “Melting Pot” agenda is for EVERY White country and ONLY White
It’s not for Japan
It’s not for India
It’s not for Kenya
It’s not for Saudi Arabia
It’s not for Mexico
It’s for EVERY White country on earth.
Whites countries need to be MELTED and if you disagree then you are a
Any planned eradication of a race (aka “Melting Pot” for EVERY White
country) IS geNOcide.
Anti-Racist is a codeword for Anti-White

GhostSpectre says:

Once Farley died, SNL died with him.

Colin Silver says:

+MandyDoll I keep coming back because it’s so funny. Lol. 

Matthew English says:

I mean, if you’re gonna rip off a Chappelle Show sketch, at least have a
little subtlety…

Ju D says:

Yall stupid.. Richard Pryor and Redd Fox…were mostly booked at all white
arenas sometimes.. N they never were booed.. Redd Fox said mostly the white
folks who laughed are poor white folks who been thru the same struggle or
whites who open n listen.. If they don’t listen or understand they would
never get it n maybe was to priviledged..

Steven Bowser says:

If I wanted to whine about something, I would say this was racist towards
white people. But you can’t be racist if it’s about white people. DUH
(really funny skit by the way, its awesome 😀 )

John Sloan says:

Ok…so I know SNL felt pressure to add Black actors/comedians but do we
have to coon? “Psssh, you betta’ give me my $17” !?!?!? Apparently we’re
still at a point where we have to utilize anglo-influenced stereotypes.
“As usual we started late” or “Rap songs that begin with the letter N” do
nothing but propagate pre-existing social stereotypes. 

RS says:

Copying Howard Stern. Get the fuck outta here. 

Anthony Haskins says:

Watch “Black Jeopardy – Saturday Night Live” on YouTube

thestarstarla a says:

the white guy could’ve said “no diggity” for rap songs that begin with n
but that was too funny!

jay hamilton says:

I thought this was funny. Now I am all about respect for each other and
jokes being 1.) funny and 2.) tasteful but THANK GOODNESS people werent all
uptight and quick to bitch and fly off the handle back in the day…. If
they bitched back then like some of you do Eddie Murphy, Richard Pryor, Red
Foxx and the many many hilarious comedians (men and women of all races)
wouldve never had a chance. Damn there is a season for all things. The
future and prosperity of the races wont be decided on a SNL sketch.

Vlad Piranha says:

The fact that people are even considering the race issue while watching
this shows how conditioned we are to worry more about political correctness
than actual equality. If this was about Irish or Italian people, nobody
would give it a second thought (and SNL has poked fun at those groups as

humanrace says:

It was funny. People are being to sensitive

Shaun Wells says:

Black Jeopardy

LuneyTune72 says:

Wow is SNL bad now. The same fucking joke over and over and over. It wasn’t
funny to begin with. What a waste of Louis CK.

harmonic42 says:

Some of you are saying “IT IS SATIRE DUH” but…. it’s really not. This is
the white/black dynamic in real life. Blacks reveling in a lack of
education, whites scared shitless to say anything and can do no right.

LauDor08 says:

I guess I’m not Black. I didn’t get any of those lmaoooo.

miloesalazar says:

Black people stereotyping blacks? Retarded.

Francisco Robles says:

It is funny to watch a Mexican from Mexico City play the the role of White
Professor of African American studies. 

James Bates says:

Freaking awesome lol Black Jeopardy – Saturday Night Live:

SuperJakey92 says:

This was good. People need to laugh about racial stereotypes, not make a
big deal
about it.

Reggie Wagstaff says:

It’s funny for a few minutes, then it becomes real.

Sharon Boo says:

“African-American Studies professor at Brigham Young University…”


killahkoreah says:

Rip off of Dave Chappell’ I know black people sketch. Funny tho Louie is
the Man!

Christan Daniels says:

“As usual we started late”

George Gurrola says:

Louis C.K. is not a Mexican, he is a hungarian jew… 

charvelgtrs says:

That look really suits Louis. 

joshua church says:

(To all the people who think this is at all serious/racist) If you don’t
get satire stop watching SNL, the Colbert Report, the Daily Show and any
other brilliant show that uses satire. 

Winser21 says:

Is that Louis CK??

Steve Crowder says:

“Truth is, we would have accepted any answer.” That is funny! Truth is, I’m
pretty sure all satire has a ring of truth to it and and historically the
best comedy comes from anger and pain. (Pryor, Williams, Murphy, Rock. Even
Ellen’s fairly “nice”comedic chops were formed from her living as a target.
Oops, just remembered Wanda Sykes. She comes from one of the lowest rungs
on the target ladder.). In my judgment, that’s the only way some can
survive. If not for humor as a coping skill, many targeted people would
probably just blow their brains out. Or implode from addictions. Oh wait,
they do! It’s the power group’s refusal to acknowledge that continued
injustice that perpetuates this idea among some that “reverse racism”
exists. Bigotry, “isms”, etc., cannot go “up the ladder” so to speak. It
can only flow down to the oppressed. So you white guys that fail to see the
humor in this just keep living in your denial. It will keep us all

James Cowan says:


Mississippi Made says:

Didn’t Chapelle do this?

Patrice B says:

The looks they give Mark when he answers a questions is hilarious!

martymakeupartist says:

wow they almost have enough people of color to do a jeopardy sketch…not
to mention when its a majority of people of color it has to be a racialized
sketch…just my observation

Austin Gilboe says:

Absolutely hilarious, a little racist but it isn’t racist if it’s true.

Chris Stokes says:

They need white jeopardy . Categories like the KKK, only whites allowed,
how to not say nigger in a sentence, how not to riot and burn towns down
for no reason , and finally how to obey the law. I know this is comedy but
if it was white jeopardy you monkeys would be protesting SNL like the
idiots you are.

MrGSfan says:

In fact, it’s right, it’s the 50th Anniversary of Jeopardy! (if you count
Art Fleming)

Jon Jo says:

I didn’t get a single one of these jokes.

Anne Marie says:


jeff backus says:

Lmfao… who is mike vick??

Chaz Bell says:

They should of had Sean Connery, as a contestant again. 

_imawesome592_ says:

This is the worst impression of black people portrayed by black people I
have ever seen. 

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