“Edward and Bella” — A Bad Lip Reading of Twilight

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Derp Lord says:


Sir Locust says:

It’s funny because it actually makes sense what they are talking about.

Kya Huzaimi says:

Mouses have wee wees?

Spottedmoon the Medicine Cat says:

Dude, why would you slap the fish? You punched it. Why?

I wanted to make some seafood


Fatima Smart says:

haha bad lip reading are awesome!!!

Abd-Rahman Emox says:

Fuck Kristen Stewart The Worst Actor Ever Like She’s Totally Out Of Robert
Pattinson’s League, they should have chosen another Star For Twilight ,
Avril Lavigne Would Have Worked As Pattinson’s GF She Can Act , Or Anyone
Else Whatever I Even Hate Twilight more than anything Else, Pattinson Too
Is A Fag But i’m just Pointing to the fact that he Looks Much Cooler than
her and she is So Stupid the whole movie. no balance between the movie
stars really sux

Cody Guerrero Rodriguez says:

Mouses have wee-wees?
Haha! I forgot how funny this was!

“Edward and Bella” — A Bad Lip Reading of Twilight:

pete smawds says:

is anyone else getting bad synching with the audio?

Alistair Drennan says:

Dude, you slapped a feeeeeeeeshhhh

Colm Rooney says:

these are awesome but why do they do the shittest things like NFL and
twilight and lots of other bullshite.

HumanoidSparky says:

Shame. It’s out of synch for me. Is it out of synch for anyone else?

Miss ChunkyNutz says:

‘dude, you slapped a fish’ Lmao!!!

jdawn1982 says:

I love Bad Lip Reading, but even they can’t make that movie bearable. 

Johan Staal Randrup says:

Is it just me, or does Robert’s impersinator sound like Tom Welling (Clark
from Smallville)?

R. Stalheim says:

The sound is fucked up. The Audio starts immediately, but the “Youtube Geek
Week” thing at the beginning throws it off. Ruins it. Please fix. 

Aivory Lagto says:

Is Robert’s voice actor in this video Andrew Garfield? O_______o

Qillz says:

Way better than the original!
Mouthbreather never acted so good.

LawGeek says:

I wonder if this is even funnier if you know what the movie is about (and
what they are actually saying). Because it is pretty damn funny for my
clueless self.

iEverlasting! says:

Still a better love story then Twilight.

Alexander Wang says:

LOL first time I saw I was laughing my butt off. :D

Caedeus Cadavera says:

Delay ruins it

MrTacticalinuit says:

The fucking geek week thing in the beginning ruins the sync. 

aslandus says:

Not the cake! Bella you monster!

Travis-2313 says:

Damn…I ALMOST laughed.

Παναγιώτης Μπολέτης says:

still better than twilight!

Chloe Rytherr says:

Still a better love story than Twi- oh wait

TankTaur says:

Still a better love story than Twilight.
Oh. Uhm…
Yeah, I’m sticking with that.

Comedy Central UK says:

We’ve Badly Dubbed F.R.I.E.N.D.S with British accents over on the Comedy
Central channel!

Make sure you come check it out! 

Matterless Matter says:

“Dude, you slapped a fish. You *punched* it. Why would you hit it?”

“Because I am Edward the Moonslayer!”

max larsen says:

Not only is it better than the source material, it is significantly much
so, because despite all odds in this I am actually interested what’s going
to happen! WHAT IS HAPPENING?!

Simply Nigh says:

Oh if Bella’s brother is Kevin (that one story from reddit) then that’s

Anam A. says:

Where’s the Chinese food? BWHAHAHAHA

AleeshaBoo says:

I love these ones

jay kay says:

gross how can you be that stupid?.

Lucia Huang says:


Cian Duncan says:

Still a better love story than Twilight.

Luis Soto says:

Mouses have wee wees?

popfox says:

Don’t like this one there making fun of my fav movie

Don'tMindMeJustAnotherCommentorMoveAlong says:

You slapped a fish. You punched it; why would you do that?

Dinkie Chan says:

The audio and video is off for me by like 2 seconds… :(

D Hey-O says:


Amanda Casto says:

for some reason the mouth movement isnt at the same time as the voice over

Holly C says:

That cake scene killed me XD

Angel Lopez says:

I always come back to this video cuz the part u punch a fiiiiish=}

AppleliciousStory says:

‘Ever seen a girl’s tongue?’ Followed by Edward’s stoned expression… I
laughed so hard I fell off my chair XD 

Min Nohara's Channel Of Fun says:

1 up for the dramatic CAEK scene.

Yaya Maciel says:

So funny a must watch clip Lol

kaylee rowan says:

Cake?! How could u

Raven skymaven says:


Rachael Avidor says:

Does anyone know the song at 2:20?! ITS KILLING ME. 

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