Football Player’s EPIC Trash-Talking – Guilty Or Not Guilty?

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“All eyes will be on Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning in this year’s Super Bowl, but all ears are pricking up to hear the Seattle Seahawks’ cocky co…

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xXM1G42OzkikSC0pZle M8b8grz420M1GXx says:

Well… Sherman’s the best corner in the game and you don’t open your mouth
about the best. Don’t you ever talk about him. 

PrecisionWrittens says:

Richard Sherman is a god. End of story

Mark Reuber says:

God said watch this Sherman

The Young Turks says:

NFL Football Player’s EPIC Trash-Talking Football Player’s EPIC
Trash-Talking – Guilty Or Not Guilty?

sohaib ahmed says:

its not fake modesty its called manners ana shouldn’t even be speaking on
this topic

John Kenonez says:

These guys are SOOOOOOO clueless!!! Do they know how pumped he was after
the game?!? His “anger” is one of the mindsets he has to keep getting
better. Because he wants to get better individually as a player as well as
motivating his entire team. He wants to rack up win after win after win. He
didn’t just want to play football at some college. He wanted to enter
Stanford University with a 4.2 GPA. He doesn’t JUST want an NFC
Championship. He wants a Super Bowl. He doesn’t just want one Super Bowl.
He wants 10! Etc… One of my favorite things about Sherm.

Ishmon Treleven says:

Why are people pissed? It’s a fucking game. These aren’t politicians who
will pass laws and restrictions against your life. No one should give a

pyrattjax says:

Ya know…I was totally on the side of Sherman being a prick and a
disrespectful player when this first happened. Then I re-watched the game
footage, listened to him miced up during the game and watched that final
play and confrontation with the mic on. Sherman really did show respect to
the refs and the other team. Even offered Crabtree his hand after the game
telling him “hell of a game” and then Crabtree punched his face mask. He
then went over and told other niner players good game and professed that he
hoped Navarro Bowman was ok and even said “Tell him Sherm said he hopes
he’s ok.” Sure he let his emotions get the best of him in the interview
after being fired up by Crabtree’s antics. But he was well justified when I
found out all the shit Crab has been giving him all year from a celebrity
golf and softball tourney as well as during the season. Sherm made a
mistake, however i’m willing to give him a pass on this one now that I have
all the info and have come to an informed conclusion. See…Even I react on
emotion and say shit before thinking. GL in the superbowl Richard.

SuperJBrowne says:

Cenks just mad none of his predictions came true and lost a bunch of money,
not to mention has egg on his face from his “Unbearable Bragging” video on

Jason Lyte-Armstrong says:

Ana wants to fuck Richard Sherman.

MyFraha says:

Michael CABtree, lol!

boredgeek says:

Ana’s thought that fake modesty is bad and people should be open with how
they feel is fine and all. But pompous arrogance is equally bad if not
worse. Kayne is the PRIME example of that. Calling himself like God? Fuck
out of here with that. 

garrettthurman21 says:

I’m still waiting for the moment when Ana can actually read something
directly in front of her face without fucking it up in some way. Get
glasses or memorize it or even better just let Cenk read it. 


he did right trash talkin and after that game they put on last night he
showed it fuck manning fuck the judge fuck the district atterny fuckem all
sherman is a rich nikka fuck who trryna stop him shit shit shit shit shit
sea hawks goo

sk8bow says:

cenk to sherman-“you’re better than that.”


who are you to judge?

sherman has his reasons for getting pissed.

he’s a smart man and he’s passionate about life and what he believes.

sherman doesn’t bullshit, and pander to everyone, not like you cenk.

appropriateness bullshit. that’s the reason why liberals and progressives
aren’t as strong as conservatives. crazy conservatives are very passionate
and they rally.

what do we do? we listen to weak minded fools like cenk who thinks being
civil 24/7 is the way to go. that doesn’t get anywhere. look at where we
are now. we have conservatives pushing us around in the form of tax breaks
for the rich, deregulation in all areas so the rich make money, pro choice
weakening, and a sick planet that has no chance.

get pissed sherman. get pissed. 

s99bf0c8 says:

lob means line of business in the real world!

Ty Jones says:

I guess everyone forgot that Crabtree MUSHED SHERMAN! I would’ve trashed
Crabtree too! And people are saying that Richard Sherman isn’t the the best
CB in the league , who is then? If he isn’t #1 I’m only taking number 2 ,
not 3.

O2Hyii says:

America has gotten soft…….

Alex Mondschein says:

Wanna hear a joke. Sherman’s major at Stanford was communications. Don’t
they really stress decorum in speeches and debates? Maybe he skipped a lot.

Anyway Revis > Sherman. At least when Revis Island was in East Rutherford.
I’m still pissed off at Idzik for shipping him to Tampa. Especially becuase
Milliner’s lookin like a bust. I know it’s first year, but if Kyle Wilson’s
taking your reps… C’mon…

AQ TIME says:

Exactly he went to Stanford and is very smart. Please he is far from a

Neil says:

It’s Crabtree, not Cabtree. Can we have someone who isn’t a woman reading
the transcript? 

Lars Poosay says:

Ana is so weird. She doesn’t like fake-modest? It’s called manners, bitch.
I hope from now on everyone calls you a bitch to your face? Then you better
smile and hug them for being “so real.” You fuckin horrible bitch. I was
genuine. Gimme my hug!

ProtossX says:

its rude in any community to gloat after you won a game its bad manners and
people dislike it

the loser is supposed to say good game first or offer a hand shake

the winner is supposed to shut their mouth till anything happens since they
won the game and the other person is mad

germandrummer13 says:

Ana can’t stand athletes like Peyton Manning, Russell Wilson, Phil
Mickelson, Mariano Rivera…etc etc.

Goes to show what kind of people she likes.


people who actually play football at any level know that people say some
shit when there on the field 

lestliness says:

I thought you can use intellectual property for free such as this
interview if it’s being used a new source? Why couldn’t TYT show the video?

mark guest says:

This is what happens when u take to much steroids allegedly.

alan cuenca says:

Cenk had a better point at the end mentioning Russel Wilson. There are
things you say on the field and then there’s professionalism in front of
the camera.

walter smith says:

Its football!! Everything about it is competitive and talking shit is a
major part of it, fucking white hateful jealous spectators always
microscoping, sherman is totally 100% the shitt, fuck a hater, I can’t
stand you crackers, he dominated crabtree and they avoided him all game and
finally tried him and he won the fucking game, there was no profanity so
get off that man’s dick fucking racist

Jason Young says:

The NFL is not backward football. You don’t get a timeout for being mean to
the other kids. Crabtree would be talking trash if he lost. This game is
for big boys, if you can’t play shut up and go home

Egie Asemota says:

To all you judgmental bastards who call Richard Sherman a thug, you can all
go to hell. This great man from Compton graduated from highschool a
straight A student, got a communications degree from college and is also a
very well known philanthropist in his home town. You all just judge him
because he is a black guy who yelled?! Crabtree was photoed palming him in
the face when Richard went to shake hands after the game. fuck all you
racist bastards

superfinevids says:

Football is a very emotional sport

Mike McClanahan says:

Having a villain helps increase ratings and makes more money.

Jack N. Hoff says:



ever heard of them? no? then suck my ass

Jimmy Brimer says:

Take that Micheal Cabtree, aint she right Tom Honks?

Adam Cross says:

not guilty on the fans? what about the fans calling the guy a monkey? yeah
because that’s not racist at all.

TheMango121 says:

Why are people still watching football?

60% of the NFL should be in prison.

Dungeon Master says:

crabtree, not cabtree lol

Tuuliska says:

The thing about athletes too, is that it’s really hard to keep your
emotions in check when your job is so full of stuff that makes people
emotional. Physical activity can make you emotional, public performance can
make you emotional, competition DEFINITELY makes you emotional. It’s no
wonder they flip out sometimes.

matt lao says:

cRabtree, not cabtree, and go BRONCOS!

bgoodfella7413 says:

I think Sherman is an good up and coming player, but there are many great
players, like LeSean McCoy who DOESN’T talk trash because he knows
something called respect for the game and respect for his opponents. AND
guess WHAT? The more respect you give (like Peyton Manning) the more
respect you receive! HOLY SHIT! It is understandable and forgivable but
not really acceptable from athletes getting paid millions of dollars and
being role models for children. Sorry, Sherman is guilty as tried! Broncos
win Super Bowl 27-24 bam!

zax ghost says:

oh yeah and nobody talks about Sherman jawing all game which i dont doubt
it. Sure both teams are cocky but sherman takes the cake in the NFL being
cocky now…

GravemindZombie says:

Would anyone really want to watch a football game, or any sport where the
players were super polite to each other? My guess is no…

Bri Jackson says:

With a field full of egos, this was bound to happen. It’s all
entertainment, and its entertaining…people are soooo emotional

LionheartOC says:

Not Guilty! Whats wrong with trash-talking in sports? Come on…if you get
insulted so easy like this then don’t watch or play sports! Really, this
isn’t GOLF!

Dwayne Robertson says:

Jayar Jackson is the only one who has it right. 

Damien Padilla says:

For TYT to say say in anyway that there was some racism involved in this
segment is completely unprofessional, it all about sportsmanship and trash
talking, plain and simple.

CocoaLuv22 says:

cenk, you sound weak- anyone whose won a game gloats

Eric Daniel says:

why is she saying “CABTREE” and not “CRABTREE” or is it just me?

steve nebraska says:

Cenk is such a douchebag! “I’ll tell you if it’s racist or not”. Fuck that
cokehead faggot! And fuck The Young Kikes!!

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