Funniest NFL Moments on the Field 2013 What They Talk About During the Games

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Funniest moments and sound bytes on the NFL football fields during the 2013 season. These are the some of the funniest moments of what the players are actual…

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Calvin Conley says:

0:35 Why did that little guy hit him lmao “Easy.”

jgonz185 says:

You leading the league in hydration. lol.

Randy Andrew says:

“ey dat hurt, what is wrong witchu :’0 ” xD 8:03

Bonnie the Bunny™ says:

“I don’t want no crackers !” and “We eatin’ all day bruh !” them shits made
me laugh

zachery desautels says:

no patriots?

jorge serrano says:

When Tony is at the top of his game , he can play as good as manning or

Connie Rodriguez says:

4:16 ” oh hell naw there go that horse”

Stephen Roth says:

6:05 is the reason why, even as a Packers fan, I love Brandon Marshall xD

wiezewee says:

I could watch clips like this all day. Great video

UFOkillz says:

tony romo is better than robert griffin the third

WeedSmokinRepublican says:

Those are some dumb fucking niggers for sure.

ImDeluxeSP33some says:

Wow, RGIII to Romo. I’m a Raider fan but I feel for him.

woodah33 says:

LMAO “I’ve eaten burritos bigger than you”

The Awesome Jeffy Poo says:

hahahahaha 0:58 there are my boys

SamWazamTV says:

2:34 That’s not mud……..

Dabket3araB says:

Watt to Rice: “I’ve eaten burritos bigger than you” That’s some funny shit

mark murillo says:

At 5:52, that just made me feel bad.

andrew barrington says:

how you gonna fart on the heater bro? Thats nasty. you cookin farts over

alfwok says:

Maybe if cutler was less concerned about his hair and more concerned about
NOT throwing interceptions the bears could do something this year.

moala310 says:

Hahahahaha lets go you guys there’s a game I wanna play. Crack me up

QBSchwin9 says:


DeGenz says:

2:37 LMAO

Jordan Trimmer says:

7:21 lol Cam Newton

Malik Walls says:

You should do 2014 

theoriginalallison says:

Peyton manning is such a dad. He gives good advice and does his job well,
but you can’t see him letting loose and hanging around your friends.

The Stranger says:

2:25 Chino Moreno WTF

Nick Davidson says:

It’s funny what McMurtry says to Ridley because now their on the same team

jalynn1596 says:

“I don’t mess with them horses bruh”

Matthew Mitchel says:

3:30 holy shit peyton manning sounds like tom hanks

Andreius McKoy says:

Wait a minute first off ROMO is a slow and old QB he sucks and needs to
retire he’s hurting his team by still playing

LilEminemDrake says:

Ray Rice hit his wife harder than he hit J.J.

JakevO8 says:


Eduard Rivera says:

“Turn around let me see your name” LOL

Peter Gloria says:

Great video!

coy garland says:

Wtf is 75 katie?

Tanner Brown says:

1:58… Can’t. Stop. Laughing.

James Hengel says:

That no name guy and brandon marshall haha

Buster Nutt says:

“you cookin’ farts over there”

poopstainhotdog1 says:

LOL at RG3 giving romo advice….bruh u havent done shit in this league (i
hate the cowboys btw but gotta be real) 

Mike Watson says:

Haha RGIII giving Romo advice… smh 

Francisco Sosa says:

JJ Watt is hilarious 

Ben Bega says:

Am I the only one who laughed out loud 

Kevin Lawrence says:

Video is a lie. The JJ Watt burrito comment was 2012

Austin Bass says:

Brandon Marshall cracks me the fuck up. PUT YA SHOE ON MARCUS

Oreo Raider says:

Flowers for the Cheifs cracks me up so much everytime he talks lmao

cgo2551 says:

But how hard could the burrito punch?

Mark Isaacson says:

I’ve beaten wives bigger than you – ray rice

Ty Rechner says:

Lol 5:29 Nice hit man

Dylan Petrino says:

you gotta go do that now? ya. alright.

DayyViddTheKid says:

Marcus put your shoe on. – Marshall

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