funniest sport bloopers ever

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Duck says:

First song was decent but the second song was utter shit.

John Smith says:

HOMO Music

PJ B says:

Hahaha the last guy is the best !!

Max Yugoslavskiy says:

PLZ 1st song!!! ((((

joel Romero says:

3:55 best jump ever 😀 XD

Ampharos says:

You can’t even spell your own name right hahahaha

Ichsan al fauzi says:

i like at 3:24 that’s very gay =D

kevin martinez says:

Can someone tell me the name of the song at 2:40

Sigurd Ilsøe says:

2:38 Hvis der er nogle danskere: “Hun var glad, hun var glad, hun var glad”

Les Duffy says:


Smile Jumper says:


Mayank Khamparia says:

0:38 that naughty smile xD

David Marchant says:

Y the music ? Gave me a headache

Yajul Srivastav says:

that wrestler guy beats the shit out of opponent aaand himself :p

Marco Mariscal says:

3:46 oh my god trapattoni haha

Amir Sibboni says:

painful but cannot stop watching

Ishrat Bin Islam says:

It is very funny

Zekevanzyl Vanzyl says:

What the hell the music is very bad

sam Hosking says:

Last one was the best

Crazyjazy2012 says:

Rockn roll by skirllex

yur2shabby says:

Lol Messi got nut-shot XD

Tom Fields says:

lmao c’mon really at the last one. why even attempt 

Matt Kladder says:

The music ruined the video 

Zekevanzyl Vanzyl says:

What the hell the music is very bad

Swagkachu :3 says:


Alan Rar says:

There’s your replay button

AlleenMaarGamen says:


THEmaster RIVAL says:

last song so fucking gay

Steve Gibson says:

Watching this video gives a refresher course in where our mute button is

Callum Sharp says:

What’s with this fucking high pitched voice music shit?! Are you twelve?

Eguard khill says:

What the FUCK Was the second song?

Ben thebagelboy says:

i was at that wizards game

Dāvids Eklons says:


Max Yugoslavskiy says:

the 1st song PLZ!!!!!

Ludo Gomes says:


j-p may-love says:

c’est du sang qu’il y avait lorsque la dame levait le poid?

Patrik Mrhálek says:

pfff 3:24 :DD

freddiei123 says:

that last one with the fat guy was brilliant

HarryB1705 says:

+Callum Boddy because it wasn’t a joke…

Crave88evarC says:

Despair Jordan at the end.

didthat jushappen says:

can someone tell me whats wrong with the pool one

Jop Laane says:

worst quality ever

NikeDoes MCPE says:

The last one was so funny i laughed when I went to bed :D

The Happy Cat says:

I like Skrillex as much as the next man, but seriously, bad choice of music
and coming in at such a strange time.

Crosby4hyg says:

3:24 lmfao

lukas radi says:

wie heißt das lied

pumuckel378 says:

Somebody knows the Name of the first Song?

Sallibotz says:

That music SUCKED!!!!

Rosanna F-S says:

is the first song ed sheeran?

F14UTCT says:

you spelt your channel name wrong at the start lol 

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