Funniest Sports Moments Ever

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Which is your favorite ? Let me know. These really happened on the field. Mike Tyson Live: FOLLOW ME: Facebook – Twitter…

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Edward Sausagehands says:

Which is the real Mike Tyson channel?
I’ve seen 3 so far.
Still the leeches leech from his name.

korikawa says:

Where’s the overrated boxer Tyson Fury punching himself to the face?

John Gray says:

So he basically just hired someone to run this channel. And only shot a
couple videos himself. I guess it’s pretty smart.

Hiram Salinas says:

This isn’t mike posting these videos 

Neisel Clemontine says:

what is with all the homo erotica?

EnigmaticSturm says:

LMAO how did someone’s head get inside there pants???

Kevin Reeder says:

You are the man mike

imBrok3n says:

that was some gay/funny shit lmao

Justin Johnson says:


bekosus123 says:


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