Funny Baseball Bloopers of 2014, Volume One

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Blooper reels — the greatest art form since the fabergé egg. If you’re not getting dumber from watching this you’re not paying attention. These satirical ma…

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ClusterFuxx says:

nice soundtrack………not

thejoser says:

What kind of uptight jerks take issue with the music.. Jerks..

airwolf28 says:

Do you have it only with the commentators only and no music?? I would love
to hear what they say.. 

David Gouin says:

It took 1:22 two show two bloopers…….This is shit!!!!

Thom K says:

I think I’d prefer the bloopers without all the music, i wanna hear what
the announcers have to say.

EvilWizKid and TheEvilPotato says:

in all the h8rs… I actually like this music… its a *bit* different

dean winchestette says:

I see that the music is meant to be humorous thus the bloopers but
seriously man I wanna rip my bleeding ears off and then shove them in a
blender. The music, its just so, its so awful I start seeing

Christian Ibarra says:

5:39 these guys are the type that become bandits during the zombie
apocalypse LOL………also music sucks

Wilson Martin says:

The first one was awesome, haha. And the soundtrack is fine.

BeeGee1004 says:

This is the best music for a vid I’ve seen in a longtime. Quit yer bitchin

Ken Fleischman says:

great video…annoying as hell music!!! leave just the game audio!!! the damn
music makes it absolutely unwatchable

Tre Taylor says:

I wish i was white for 40 min so i could understand how u guys can enjoy
this music

Storm Gaming says:

You should be hit by a pitch for the music

Nicholas Garcia says:

I have a feeling the music has something to do with Em Ell Bee not being
able to detect this video so we can all see it. (I know they’re strict with
their copyrights.)

otavio augusto says:

Are you really disliking the video because of the soundtrack? Jesus.

CaptainObvious Gaming says:

Yu darvishes cuveball is not a blooper u idiot…..its an actual pitch

downtownlife says:

Just trying what the person looks like who made this video. Geezus, how

1disaffected says:

The bloopers weren’t good and the MUSIC sucked!

Jatsons Mateo says:

worst type of music for baseball clips 

Tre Taylor says:

I stopped watching the video and just started looking at the comments lol

Edward Evans says:

I feel this would have been better without any music and just commentary. 

fbomb1010 says:

We landed on the planet moon… really?

Jake Holcomb says:

I got about ten minutes in before I wanted to throw my
Phone against a wall … Can’t stand that fucking music. 

derklempner says:

Pro tip: if you title a video as “bloopers”, make sure it’s actually filled
with bloopers and not really good plays or odd occurences instead.

Aron Nelson says:

Damn this music is horrible. Turned off the vid. Just leave the regular
game sound. 

Christian Ibarra says:

Music is to distracting. Why not use something without lyrics?

McNubbers says:

The music is just terrible. There are some funny conversations within the
video that I’m sure 99% of the watchers will miss because they muted the
sound. When the shit-dition version of “Down Town” came on I couldn’t take
it anymore and had to mute it. Mr. Duncan, after reading your replies to
several posts you seem pretty arrogant and I think you just put the music
in simply to piss off a lot of people, “I have 40+ minutes of MLB footage
that I’m sure many people would love to watch. I’m going to put terrible
music over the whole thing and watch how many people I make angry.” Well…
it worked. 200k+ people think you’re a dick, and your “likes” are all from
people who muted it from the beginning.

Kammy Korn says:

I don’t think this guy knows what a “blooper” is.

Ethan S says:

I get that the music is supposed to be funny but I’d much rather hear the
announcers. Not to mention that this song is annoying as fuck.

Nathan Heusser says:

Really distracting music.

Trevor Smith says:

Seriously?! Who wants to listen to people singing about the biggest ball of
twine in Minnesota, not being able to roller skate in a buffalo herd,
showering in a parakeet cage, and swimming in a baseball pool? Really, can
we just listen to the audio of the game for Christ’s sake? 

PierceScan says:

The music is annoying…..thumbs down…it ruins the video for me…

Nate BMX says:

I think when the title says “volume one” they mean you should have your
volume on one because the music is so fucking annoying.

Jovan Rosario says:

This music didnt want to make me watch this -_-

James Bergeron says:

what was the name of the first song?

UhLGHT says:

thats some shitty music if ive ever heard it

roguemaxify says:

I hate the music you put in this. Just leave the commentary in.

Trejojr says:

It’s great to see puig make a fool of himself

Austin Christopher says:

My baseball coach right now (Little League) coached Dustin Pedroia when he
was little.

marcotoni231 says:

where the fuck do u find this music. under the suicide genre.

Mike Renders says:

Encarn and Darvish appear a lot in this.

Renee McGoldrick says:

this is worse than I THOUGHT

Brewer Fan says:

This idiot has a pitcher getting hit by a batted ball in the back. Does it
all of a sudden just become funny because it didn’t hit him on the head?
Let’s think a little there next time, bud

ImY2K says:

5:32-5:40 What was that about?

machotacco says:

the video was funny but it could have gone without the music

Michael Stokes says:

You put funny bloopers here when the MLBPA and the Owners lose out to
Soccer on Fox for Saturday Games?
You are not a pro or even a fan chump.
When it come to pitching and not throwing like these hubris riddled PUP

The Dead Cold Vicious Living Nightmare Pitcher has a lot to say that
actually has a point to the future of baseball.

When I was growing up it used to be said of fat people like, He’s the fat
kid!!!! Let him catch!!!
That used to be for catchers.

Good bye Joe Garagiola 🙂 I’da stuff ya like a pig.

Guiding his fastball to release in supination is a specious and reckless
condonment, endorsement and approval by the all MLB Team doctors.

Bob Shaw the illustrious author and percentage winner for the Dodgers in
the fifties.He teaches away from the way the Dodgers teach pitcher now how
to be mere throwers

Bob Shaw taught a pitcher to lead with his elbow pointing up and to home

Pitching a baseball on the forward and downward planes with a snap punch
forward in a violent forward reaching like Muhammed Ali and not this slot
supinate kill your Ulner Collateral Ligament to pay doctors millions to
kill a guy’s career now days dogma.

Then again every team in baseball I have seen fight….Well, you punch like
girls out there into mud wrestling style esq except you girlymen cannot
decide between kissing or mud wrestling anyways.

Being a pitcher is a bitch creep punk soon to be crippled by his crap
technique and he doesn’t even know how to pitch.

Then again you have to look at the idiot batters who step up to home plate
all fat and drugged up.

I am the DeadCold Vicious Living Nightmare Pitcher.

I’d shut down on the National League first and beat the hell out of the
American League in a heartbeat. Cripple everyone of you with strikes
bouncing off your deadbeat asses for losing out on Fox to Saturday Soccer
of all sissy sports.

Dr. James Andrews and John Albright are just voodoo hypocrites of the
Hippocratic Oath they swore to uphold to the patients they cared for so
along time ago.

My blood is boiling and my adrenaline is pumped to bust the baseball with
the worst beating from Hell ever unleashed on such an aggregate of Boys of
Summer who seem to be just a bunch flower sniffing, tea toddling lily liver
fat PED drug abused fat kids grown thinking the something better than just
merely second best.

Gossage threw like sissy but his policy for the Red Sox goes out to all of
baseball when I pitch. UP YOUR’S

Babe Ruth and all the Greats along with your dead relatives. They will be
joining us behind the pitchers mound in the pitchers box. You will the Babe
, the All Time Greats and your dead relatives to the increase of your very
bad experience at home plate in your every at bat. Guaranteed you are going
to see them.

The Dead Cold Vicious Living Nightmare Pitcher. Being yours truly,”Omega.”

The last pitcher you will ever as you find yourself dug into the Harmful
Deep at Home Plate with a thunderous clap from a lightning pitches from out
of the lights of the stadium at over nine feet high and a screaming umpire
alerting you over the noise of the fans telling it’s Strike Three The
Batter Is OUT


You may visit the Dead Cold Vicious Living Nightmare Pitcher on g+

Just give a fortnight to Omega.
I will decimate your Professional Mens Baseball Club of Greater,

your teams name_*_______* and your entire organization you lily livers.

Come and go away….. You are all SECOND BEST

Joseph Meador says:

I appreciate the video, let me say that first. Secondly, to make it
better, when people who actually watch baseball watch a video like this,
they want to hear commentary, not music, regardless of if the music, in
their opinion, is good or bad.
Now, if there’s something to do with copyright issues, then I can see it,
but you could make it a little quieter.
All in all, thanks for the video, but please cut or reduce the volume of
the video in the next installment. Thank you!

Michael Sowada says:

annoying Music!!!!

Jerry King says:

Love the music!

buddy selig says:

Why the bad music adam?

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