Jeopardy! | Teen Tournament | Tiebreaker

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Ever wonder what happens when two contestants have the exact same total at the end of a tournament? Watch the nail biting tie-breaker that crowned our new te…

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CookiejarSeventy5 says:

Those kids are lucky I wasnt there to beat them. With all the knowledge ive
gained from many hours of redditing they wouldnt stand a chance. They would
all be home crying about how life isnt fair because a much more attractive
classier man is also smarter than them. I tip my fedora at this sad attempt
at intellect and wish you all a good day.

Hjalmar Nyman says:

A hundred bucks says that they’re all redditors.

Hjalmar Nyman
Owner, Redditor Dating 

Michael Krajicezsk says:

i hope he uses that money to buy some stilts. dudes a manlet

Alex H says:

Wow what a terrible tie breaker format Jeopardy has for tournaments. Do
another Final Jeopardy question between the two or just call them

Also, I understand that Teen Jeopardy is suppose to be easier, but this is
ridiculous. The Final Jeopardy question was pathetically easy. Any
intelligent 7th grader would have had no problem with it. 

Diane Moore says:

I protest, I protest, I protest profusely. 20 years, watching your show
every day, and the Teen tournament was the best challenge of all since
Rutter and Jennings. So back and forth it came to Alan and Jeff, and they
both risked every penny they equally won. It was a tie. A TIE!!! They were
equal and without any question , both should have won the 75,000. In 20
years, your only error on your greatest show. Furthermore, this addressed
to Alex. I was born in Sudbury also in the 1940’s. Family lived in Lockerby
from 1942 to 1954. Dad worked Ontario Hydro.Please consider this strong
Jim Backus, Hamilton, Ontario.

ACME Crimenet says:

First time ever we see the tiebreaker category in full screen!

Kukkel says:

all dis money wont change the fact hes a 4’5 manlet.. das it jeoff mane

Lisa S says:

easy questions. not as bad as i thought it would be. 

C-Sagan N-Tyson says:

I think we can all agree that we’re just happy whiny little moaning Cooper
didnt win. What a little baby. “Awww look at me im so g.g..g..gwumpy
because I got an answer w.w.w.w.w.wrong.” Punk

SuperGamer7 says:

You know, I just realized. What if two contestants obtained more than the
minimum guarantee, AND TIED? Would the tie-breaker be just for bragging

Think about that………..

Brian Epstein says:

The winner goes to my school 😀

Congrats Jeff! 

Liliana Ortiz says:

I wanted Cooper Lair to win!!

ACME Crimenet says:

You cannot win by default you must ring in with the correct answer. –
That’s how the tiebreaker works!

bflaw85 says:

Is that Dendi in the center?

Andrew says:

cocky son of a bitch. I think we can all agree that we’re disappointed this
punk beat out the guy in the middle.

Christian Dixie says:

They should’ve had 2 winners, a jeopardy first! 

Zach Horan says:

A tie in the 1996 Teen tourney at the end of FJ! on the second day of the
finals was played. Both players had over the $25K guarantee(at the
time) for first place at the end of day two, but the tiebreaker was played
to see who would get the spot in the TofC(through 2000, the Teen champion
played in the TofC as well). Other ties have happened at the end of quarter
final and semi final tournament games after FJ! five other times, and
tiebreakers were played to determine winners of those games.

Adam Lowe says:

Wait, wait, wait. I stopped watching and thought ‘oh it sucks those guys go
home with nothing’. But the one in the middle still leaves with over 50k
and still looks like a little bitch? Cheer up mate.

Chuck Landers says:

I have a question from the actual play. Can’t remember if it was the first
round or second. Alan answered a Movie category with Alien vs. Predator.
They ruled it incorrect and gave it to the teen who answered Alien and
Predator. I think Alan’s answered was correct. Any thoughts/

Jay Rivetz says:

lol at 0:26.

Tyler Cashman says:

And none of them made more than a year or two at college would cost

Finley Field says:

Pfft… noobs if I was there I would absolutely destroy them, I am a smart
atheist and some funDIE, I mod /r/science and /r/technology. So to this I
must go I now tip my fedora.

Camille Castillo says:

An NFL,NBA or other sports category might have been a bit more challenging.
The Civil War? You gotta’ be kidding!

KevinKraft says:

This sucks, did u guys see how Jeff reacted on the show, breathing hard,
putting his jaw down if no one knew the answer, acts like a child. He has
such a problem, bro this tv 

DJ Blur says:

pretty cool they had that tie breaker question ready instantly… do they
always have it ready incase or was that the same one they had ready for
years, i wonder

john smith says:

I actually knew the kid on the right he was the most annoying kid you knew

tvpirate05 says:

Granted…$54K is nothing to sneeze at, esp. for a teenager, that still
kinda sucks to lose in such a way.

Juwanna Mann says:

Anyone else guess the god damn answer before htey read the actual question
for “Honors and Awards?” This shit is too fucking easy for these teens.

Oyfoh says:

Idiot. The correct answer was More Cowbell

Litebodie says:

I actually saw this mutha fucka live! (on tv). Cooper was a suck ass

JazzKeyboardist1 says:

alex forgets is it a tiebreaker question or answer? how many years has he
been doing the show,, suck it,,,,,, sean connery

jaredemig1 says:

I’m glad he won. He lives in New Jersey and so do I.

Briston Hatchell says:

Poor kid on the left. 

Juwanna Mann says:

1:49 You can see the moment the white kid’s dream were dashed.

JazzKeyboardist1 says:

anybody else still rooting for the kid that Stood on the Box?


Came here just to see Jeff be a nerd :3

lionboy1053 says:

Seems a bit unfair to me, why not just give them both $75K, they earned it

rgrosshandler says:

I did not like how this ended!! Should have split it 50-50

Marcuskilinen1 says:

Haha I loved the asian guy. He kept making these weird breathing sounds,
and his smile when he won… What a nerd!

TheAGCteam says:

Who cares at that point if you get to take home 50k

Brendan McMullan says:

Holy crap! A tie!

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