Kate Upton – Cat Daddy Dance

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Kate Upton Dance – Cat Daddy Katherine Elizabeth “Kate” Upton[1] (born June 10, 1992)[3] is an American model and actress, known for her appearances in the S…

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Dana Hynes says:

I’m so glad she’s like not mega skinny, but still representing got a sexy

Dr. Cunt says:

She can add to the mass collection of kids he has in his basement

Zellulon says:

I’m typing this with my dick

Abhay Sundi says:

Daddy wants a cat!! 

shan says:

How are her natural proportions even possible

Kristen Nilsson says:

Preach it Paul d

The Raptor says:

If a guy did this it would suck

Paul d says:

I guess I am getting old. I see her pictures.. Hear the name.. and wonder
if she has class. Does anyone? Just seems like pop culture trash to me

Reginald Jackson says:

Super hot

thigham81 says:

Best video ever.

William Walsh says:

Fat and highly overrated.

VaniillaRH says:


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