Let’s Play Together Jeopardy Sports Edition 01: Sports… Why did it Have to be Sports…

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Will it make any difference if it’s all about sport? Perhaps a different opponent? We shall see… Heavensfrogman: http://www.youtube.com/user/HeavensFrogman.

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Kikoskia says:

Well guess what? No one is forcing you to watch it. ^^

LaurenRac2008 says:

Kiko, as days go by and I watch your vids, I realize how incredibly awesome
you are! NOW PLAY MANIAC MANSION! Pwetty Please? *flutters lashes*

Fuyo Bemo says:

Evn though you say so, I feel a strange force compelling me to play these.
videos. Clearly, you are mistaken.

emilysong2000 says:

Just do your best, Kiko. Maybe you’ll luck out somehow…at least I hope
you do.

Raethen4e says:

What’s this? what happened to metal gear Jeopardy?

paperluigiman says:

I acuallt have this game for my super nintendo and it acually works and my
nintendo works to ^_^

L4Z0R8963 says:

you should have named him sue!!

Fuyo Bemo says:

I suspect that’s because it’s an American game show to begin with.

A Miguel says:

Come on Kiko, you can do better than that 😛

korok132 says:

You can also get walked by getting hit with the ball. Just FYI.

scotty92994 says:

oh, kiko poor you. why must they throw so many american questions at you.

korok132 says:

I thought it was Resident Evil Jeopardy coming up next. Or was it after
Metal Gear Jeopardy?

willydadog2 says:

@scotty92994 becuse apprantl most games just hate him in genral like george
s. patton jr patton would not always lisson to his supriors

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