“MORE NFL” — A Bad Lip Reading of The NFL

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Another Super Bowl, another Bad Lip Reading. No more kung fu! Like on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/badlipreading Follow on Twitter! http://twitter.com/b…

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Nick Salazar says:

Im guessing this channel was made for 5 year olds. This shit is not funny
at all. I took advice from another comment i left with people saying “you
must be new here, check out his other vids” ..im sorry but if u like this,
your one of those annoying people who laugh at anything 

Nednerbish says:

“Don’t hoard cat food. Star wars typhoon. We can joke all night, but no no
kung foo? No more cartoons, no more kung foo. No no kung foo.” Hahaha wtf
the best phrase I think I’ll EVER hear.

Stormy Seas says:

“Aunt Sharon got out again.”

Jamal Saleh says:

I love this youtube channel it’s super funny.

“MORE NFL” — A Bad Lip Reading of The NFL: http://youtu.be/rRqKYXcL-2U

David Harstick says:

Haha, this is great!!

Robert Rice says:

In light of today being the first Game Sunday…….

+Sammi P +Bud Hoffman +Mechelle Conrad +Mark Richards

May good games be played!

Comedy Central UK says:

We’ve Badly Dubbed F.R.I.E.N.D.S with British accents over on the Comedy
Central channel!

Make sure you come check it out! 

DreAndreas says:

Thought he said “Ed Sheeran got out again!”

Brendan McMullan says:

“Aunt Sharon got out again.”

Geoff Whiteley says:

Hahahahahahah, enjoy

thomas read says:

A chair is somewhere to sit 

jackofallspades98 says:

Found another Easter egg! At 1:56 it says “Mr. Darcy” instead of the guy’s
actual name. I am assuming this is a reference to something. Anyone know?

Hunter Wright says:

0:39 you can clearly see that she’s holding a BLR microphone

What does this mean?

John Doe says:

“MORE NFL” — A Bad Lip Reading of The NFL

Fernando Astudillo says:

2 more weeks

“MORE NFL” — A Bad Lip Reading of The NFL

The Realistic Nihilist says:

I thought this was supposed to be bad lip reading, not NFL quotes. I’m

Danny Trotter says:

Funny ass shit

James Tompkins says:


xXPrettyKittyXx says:

hello little piggy xD

erin832001 says:

I love the “I’m a nervous wreck” one.

TheGuruGamer says:

Some of the mics have BLR, so a lot is fake.

Judy Lipinski says:

MUST WATCH. If you are one of my non American friends, you will like this
too, even if you prefer soccer…

Shri Satz says:


BRADLEY993ds says:

Wrist knub wrist knub.

XxAnimeWikixX says:

They should do a World Cup one xD

tensoup says:

0:55 Bane

Kesdabest95 says:

What do they actually say when they show the dudes face and name etc.

Magma-Man says:


Artz says:

“A baby’s a little man” -Mike Mcglynn 2014

MrCurrySH says:

brought the golden staff to the village :p

Tyrus Humphrey says:

I’m I the only person who doesn’t find this funny?

Ezra Joel says:

Do forrest gump

Daemon Yanity says:
DeltaPie says:

2:40 that is amazin!

UnrealSoldier666 says:

This is 100x more funny when you are high I swear

Cole Coffman says:

that was like 50% colts..

Bitten_By_Frost says:

that latin kid is getting lucky tonight!

erick harris says:

im haven the best you tube night ever. first sponge bob sings “dick in a
box” and now this. great stuff

justin young says:

“I brought the golden staff to the village” THE BEST VIDEO!

Brooke du Casse says:

Omg so funny!!!

Christa Ford says:

“MORE NFL” — A Bad Lip Reading of The NFL

Dan McKinnon says:
Ryan L says:

The first NFL video was way better

carl patterson says:

“MORE NFL” — A Bad Lip Reading of The NFL: http://youtu.be/rRqKYXcL-2U

Stephanio says:

the guest is nere..

duckyawesome110 says:

no more kung fu? :c

Andrew Holmes says:

Look at the microphone in the video it is has a bad lip reading logo

Chavis Crossley says:

Wow. This is awesome 🙂 

Paul Plate says:
Lala Lulu says:

“kill dracula at once, that’s what i would do immediately” best line of the
video. 10/10

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