NHL Mic’d Up Trash Talk / Fights (HD)

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This is my first video in a series of 2 or 3 videos. Make sure to comment, like, and subscribe! I will be making highlights again, im just having trouble with the transitions on my editor….

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Connor Grandy says:

Thanks for 500,000!!!!

A million?

FatalisPRO says:

5th in the league so im probably going to win it right here.
– loses it

Connor Grandy says:

Thanks guys for 85,000 views! Let’s get to 100,000!! ,

Connor Grandy says:

OMG! 1 mil views, thanks guys!

John Tortorella says:

“you fucking tit fucker” best line

Kryptic says:

its funny how they organize the fights themselves 

Stephen Velner says:

this is probably the best NHL trash talking video I’ve seen, nice work man.

Connor Grandy says:

Check it out! It would mean the world to me! Please comment, like, and

MajesticBadger says:

I dont get this..they say, lets go, start fighting then after say, good job
bud, wtf.

Connor Grandy says:

Please check my video out! It means the world to me!

Swaggy Timberlake says:

I always thought Hockey players were fuckin crazy people but I guess they
are very polite after they fight lmao. “Good fight bud”

BromleyGaffer says:

Cool video bud. If you don’t mind a small criticism, you should try to even
out the audio from clip to clip. I had to play with the volume button
constantly in order to hear everything. Good job though. :)

Bakesale59 says:

It’s 2015…… Can we please just have the option to toggle between
color-commentary and this? 

Connor Grandy says:

Check it out! It would mean the world to me!

Andy Johnson says:

This is so funny

Willverinerage says:

Zac Rinaldo comes off as likeable strangely……..lol

Connor Grandy says:

THE FINAL INSTALLMENT IS HERE:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYex9wecyMk


YawnGod says:

Hahahah, Avery was such a piece of shit.

Zach Eisenhour says:

HAHAHAHA Bruh skip to 2:10 and listen to the bruins chirp Rinaldo!!! Oh My
God that geeked…

Willverinerage says:


Shatamx says:

2:15 hes just a guy who had 11 goals and 8 Assists in the Stanley cup
playoffs as a rookie. Still a cheap rat. He was pretty clutch in the 2011
playoffs. As much as I hate to say it.

gdnemec0 says:

2:46 why would you leave out that brutal KO by Rinaldo?!

Hockey Highlights says:

Great video buddy love your channel ! 

Mr bigcock says:

Connor do a British league mic up plzzz. Im from england 

jdohg1 says:

Canadians always have to be polite and ask for a fight first

Sugar Shane says:

You copied this video from another channel you faggot

Johann Hartono says:

Respect for the 1st one. What a sportsmanship :D

KK Warslut says:

This is the single greatest video on youtube, thanks for the upload. Would
love to see more mic’d up trash talking

Sheriff Training says:

I love how polite they are. “Hey you wanna fight or no”

Evan Tisby says:

lol otts hilarious 

Connor Grandy says:

Any ideas for videos?

Mario Bartolo says:

3:40 “look at my balls you fucking tit fucker” XD

David Gouin says:

That was good shit Connor!!!!!

DontGetBoard says:

They all love each other! “Hey, wanna go?” “Yea alright.”……..”Good one,
buddy.” “Yea you too buddy!”

Jeff Dennis says:

lol im goona go with him cause your too big, against his present team

USAsomeone says:

whats the name of the song at the end?

bchampa97 says:

James Neal is such a pussy, it makes me laugh. Tries to be a tough guy but
would have his ass handed to him by a guy like Crosby

Freshy McFreshington says:

Are you from Canada?

Anthony Furicchia says:

Who was that Russian guy on the Rangers, that was in the box?

Coolhand says:

I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out.

Dan Justyn Chiong says:

Canuckstv has a lot of chrips

SameInternetNerd says:

Hahaha, “What is violence anyway?”


5:08 – POS Avery…

doug story says:

itd be great if u could HEAR IT!!!!!!!!!!

Digi V says:

one of the reasons the sport is awesome. only sport in the world where even
the refs curse at you

emericanchaos says:

can anyone tell me who’s trash talking bellows? it’s in every shit talking

Stephen Webb says:

Nice job chief.. Find more!

Robert Baird says:

Canadian motto – “ya wanna go bud?”

Marty Green says:

Zac Rinaldo is the nicest fighter I’ve seen.
Usually he’s killing Chris Kunitz or illegally boarding someone

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