Sports Bloopers

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Benjamin Viorst says:
حسان حسني says:
terenson aloysius says:

what a bloop by them

Felipe Torres says:

(0:26) He visto wns malos y ese wn…

wanjala herbert says:
Chalupachum says:

y’all are pretty weird, why you need so many pictures of guys with there
heads on/in/possibly sucking other guys penis’s

Peter Kapoor says:
Ginax2 says:

1:12 omg that had me laughing

SuperWtFoO . says:

you shouldnt take these fake shit pics in there

HansGames says:

so verry funny guys this blooper

Nicolas Urq says:

JAJAJA le toco la goma al arbitro 

Damani Williams says:


daniel ofosu says:

nice song thou

Cafeconsal :D says:

Epic XD

Yardbirds 11 says:

Funny Bloopers

Travis Hegg says:

I hated the song.. but hilarious

Julian Pineros says:

he… fail

Leslie Michael says:

Really funny

Aaron Harris says:
blackwater9791 says:

jjajaja chileno immmmmbecil,

Dylan DP says:

☻/ This is Bob . Copy and paste him
/▌ all over Youtube
/ so he can take over and take down Google

Gamer Ryzo says:

hancook fue culpable de lo q paso en el min 1:52

Youness Laasri says:

L3askari chwhti bina hhhhh @0:42

Kinshin G says:

Boxing part was funny as hell. Why you hitting yourself? Why you hitting
yourself? Why you hitting yourself? Why you hitting yourself? Why you
hitting yourself? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA………

Lkhagvasuren Davaatseren says:

who da fuck stands infront of a guy during a throw in?

David Goren says:

1:06 was a University of Georgia player catching a touchdown and then his
momentum took him into their famous hedges. That has happened before. He
didn’t drop the ball. I saw that game. I guess it was kind of funny because
he wasn’t hurt.

Terance Booth says:

Cute reaction at 1:15

Ja'Mel Winstead says:

1:49: Looks like he about to shit on the guy’s face.

Kevin Alderberry says:

name of song/remix plz

shellbsd23 says:

lol 2:45 people in the crowd not even watching

Brian Logtenberg says:

what are the sounds??

Cher Noble says:

1:11 she liked it

Fly Radio says:

0:11 – what to say about this number 7. Should be a movie actor not a
soccer player. He holds the hand of the other player and give him self a

1:51 – natural delivery.

H Smith says:

The first one is VERY failish.

leo s says:

chileno puto

Gigaflopp says:

At 1:35 in what world would that even be possible did anyone even himself
see that happening?

MrTamendez says:

I thought you said sports bloopers. Soccer is not a sport!!

Jake W says:

If “anti-racists” are so unconcerned with race, how come they only have a
problem with White Countries, White Cities, White Neighborhoods, White
Workplaces, White schools?
I’ve never seen any “anti-racist” protest that any place is too brown and
it has to become LESS brown to combat racism.
Whom do they think they are kidding?
“Multiculturalism” = White GeNOcide
Anti-Racist is a codeword for anti-White.

George Davis says:

i like the ref one, funny

Chetan Hoober says:

best @ 1:35

Chiniman says:

Who was the blonde soccer chick?

Gigaflopp says:

At 3:35 in what world would that even be possible did anyone even himself
see that happening?


for a laugh , people.

Bryant Carmichael says:

great choice in music

Grenn Bab says:


Vidiwell100 says:

0:48 Fool!

Laysa Toro says:

love it

unknown77 says:

1:36 holy shit earthquake!! :P

1337man64 says:

Skrillex-first of the year. Really good song.

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