The 10 Funniest News Segments Rudely Interrupted By Animals

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The 10 Funniest News Segments Rudely Interrupted By Animals !!! #10 Japanese Reporter Interrupted By Pig Love #9 Reporter Get Attacked By Pelican #8 When A C…

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Jenelle S says:

Hahaha they are all hilarious. 

Servals says:

That idiot at 5:00 had no idea how to handle cats. Unlike dogs, cats won’t
just be happy whatever you do. You would think that the meows of
complaints, tense posture, or flattened ears would have clued her in…. 

Kevin Matthews says:

I fking hate cats dyde, i would have drop kicked that cat.

em23 says:

1:34 Japan gets more bacon!

Trevor Criollos says:

I think the Kangaroo masturbating in the background was the best one by far
@ 0:53.

Shalise Shaw says:

0:41 That donkey sounds like it has a frog in its throat.

SuperUltros says:

4:55 KO!!

A. Estrada says:

Bitch slapped by a cat and that dingbat reporter cries?? Hilarious :-D

arguemental says:

For my the shit that flied in reporter’s mouth in a country ass fucked up
town is still number one!!! :-)

Pamela Pugh says:

Funny video and thank for posting it. The lady holding the cat was holding
it wrong and probably had a negative disposition and that is why the cat
was mad at her. The cow pooping when the newscaster was talking was
pricless and was so funny doing it right on camera. It was the cow saying
you are a crummy newscaster and I want you out of my road and I need some
privacy. Made me laugh at the two pigs having sex as well. Super funny to
watch this.

nativesupport2 says:

Last bit, the cat was clearly protesting about being held so she had it
coming in my opinion.

Zeba Koli says:

4:55 is my favourite HAHAHA. XD Going to use that clip every time someone
gets owned now hahaha.

candice williams says:

HA HA HA!!! :D

Aizen Sosuke says:

For the first one…why da fk did he still stand there laughing and
breathing in that fart…imbecile.

star and fox says:

why is she holding the cat when 1 she doesn’t know how and 2 she’s ignoring
all the warning signs.most people know when a animal growls it’s not happy
and should be left alone.

tomhulcelover says:

dumbass woman, who shakes a fucking cat seriously, its not a human baby

karinna d says:

At 2:58 it just comes in like “hey”

jamie acevedo says:

In all fairness, in that last clip the cat gave her plenty of warning.

Alexis Pineda says:

Geese lady. Have you ever seen or held a cat in your life? No offense, but,
its obvious the cat was angry. You don’t even need to study for it. You
just know. Well, next time, just don’t hold it.

Blake the muss says:

WTF! That Kangaroo is playing with his willy

Deyvis71 says:

oh hah pause it at 4:56 it looks like it hurt like hell for both haha !

Elle Jolie says:

Love how the Australians just crack up and lose it …love my country haha

strontiumXnitrate says:

More distracted by the reporter’s skirt and socks then by the hot pig sex
behind her.

Toa Sidorak says:

Donkeyrude – Onionstorm

lovelyxskinny says:

did she really cry after the cat scratched her, really? what a baby.

Rebekah Nuxoll says:

The stupid reporter really didn’t know that the cat was unhappy
And she was holding him wrong 

Hayden Havok says:

Lol the cat reporter “that was like an out of body experience” like what.
How was a cat bitch slapping you out of body in any way. 

A-2807205 says:

The calico had enough when the reporter called her “this little guy”. X X

Golden Boy says:

1:05 – “What? I have needs.”

75lexluther says:

when a cat dont want to be held let them down

TomorrowsChild77 says:

Cat = football

stephanie patiño says:

Japanes News = HENTAIIIIII!!!

RebenDigita1 says:

Did that donkey fart and start laughing after?! haahah

Nick Cooper says:

That pig was porking it.

Cyber Scum says:

The woman in the second video (0:25) is fucking beautiful

Dat ass, though

Efrain Rivera Junior says:

God, I hate cats.

Virck says:

Cat gave plenty of warning, she’s obviously never handled cats – probably
pinching it’s tail holding it up to…

Carly Hunter says:

Yay Australia :D

Bryan Visser says:

0:46 auto alarm

Andrew Baus says:


Bob Sewvello says:

Why didn’t they cut away from the pooping cow?

Fred Capay says:

02:54 lucky she not weaing a wig .

scott c says:

the cow stated its opinion on either the fair or the reporter or both

Mike Thebike says:

Lol 1:32

Kiestyle Productions says:

“This little guy is having fun” scratches face and bites XD He sure is!

lasoogneypubes says:

Hahaha they could have given her a nice cat to hold at least.

Ettina Kitten says:

On a more serious note, I gather that last segment was about a couple who’d
killed cats being forced to work at an animal shelter. Which is kind of
like forcing Clifford Olson to work at a daycare, in my opinion.

Sarah Estill says:

Well the part story i got was the cat got thrown out the car window by a
human. its not just fine no more.

Pok Poc says:

5:11 That stupid woman

Ettina Kitten says:

“This little guy’s having fun” she says as a *calico* threatens bodily harm
if she doesn’t let her go now…

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