the best practical joke ever…

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Sverre Årnes says:

If this is not fake, it is a crime. If I happened to be catched like this,
they’ll meet my lawyer next. I love intelligent practical jokes. This isn’t

Ranqo says:

lol what if someone had their phone in their pocket

MrFreak0r says:

i don’t know, man. a better practical joke is to sit in class with a
teacher that hates you, then you stand up and take a dump on the teacher’s

Will Mauer says:

Chinese pussies have more pixels than this video! xD

Shibnator says:

What if someone had a baby and they were to drop the baby in the water ?
think next time

Kevi Tube says:

What if they had electronics that were not able to go in water 

Sasha Fly says:

This is Fake

Deshocolatemilk says:

this is fake, or its illegal either way, ballshit not funny, anyone who
thinks its funny is a retard

thestuffyouwannasee says:

if you catch that edge just right, good way to roll an ankle

Randy Tomlinson says:

what if someone has a labtop with him? or a iphone? that would be damaged.
what if important data were on it? i would sue the shit outta this idiots

Максим Ермаков says:


Alex Atkinson says:

I’m sorry but that is insanely fake. No woman in weather cold enough to be
wearing a sweater is gonna be smiling after that shit.

funnybot85 says:

240p – are you serios?

Rohan Zener says:

I see. The best practical joke is quicksand!

InstrumentalSpeedUp says:

I can only think about their phones

lockodonis says:


TiMn8eR911 says:

I need to do this on my private property, maybe then people would stop
tresspassing on atvs etc. 

manos mp says:

hat is not funny it it is illegal 

Emmett123Super || ManderModz || ALL cod Recoveries + More says:


RantUBE says:

No chance Sharlene Scarlett, you are wrong. As you claimed here: “you see
the guy in the back with the white jacket put his hands in the air before
jumping in the water.” Watch the video again. He ‘saw’ his jogging friends
fall in first -then reacted by putting his hands in the air. So no it is
NOT fake.

Vanity Clay says:

My son an I think it’s Fake!

Rose Chute says:

Hahahaha too funny 

Keith Sullivan says:

One more that had us cracking up at work! :-)

whermachtss says:


Rose Chute says:

Hahahaha too funny 

Joseph Lionel Telemacque says:
Michigan Serpents says:

I wish someone would do that to me in U.S. I’d own EVERYTHING they had and
they would owe me for the rest of their lives to pay for my back and neck

DigiTan000 says:

“My iPod!”

nincom poopy says:

what if a kid who knows not how to swim fell in it? gosh!

M1CH43L913 says:

@TheVictor2 Thnx so much i used to listen to this when i was little ^^ But
i never knew the name 🙁

Isaac Allen says:


María R.S. says:

Que putadilla

chris lopez says:

In the U.S, they would sue the fuck out of your funny ass. LMAO

KeepCalmHugVoldemort says:


Jurandas Kairys says:

100%fake, u would brake your neck

shootingzen28 says:

I would of smashed the shit out of them!!

missbzmommy1 says:

Someone would DIE! LOL

Nicolas bonder says:

1:17 the best one

Par N says:

´Beast ´ joke , rather . Yawn !

Salty Dog says:

Are you people all that dense to not realize this was staged? The biggest
tip off is everyone was smiling and grinning. The second biggest tip off is
that there would be lawsuits and risk of injury which no legitimate studio
would risk. FAKE!

GamingChihuahua says:


kellydjelly says:

cant swim

fearlesscheesemoon says:


juanr711 says:

Two atoms walking down the street. One says “I’ve lost an electron.” Other
says “Are you sure?” First says “I’m positive.”

cosmo K says:

One must be a complete stupid to believe that shit.

flambo767 says:

Then the handicapped guy comes -_-..

BrianSoltisFilms says:

what of all their phones

Kleeee25 says:

@patrikfcb. The dogs? They probable drowned since dogs can’t swim.
Everybody knows that. Idiot.

ShadymanXBL says:

@pcniantic You don’t need that piece of shit iPhone anyway.

MPX08X says:

Is good that they don’t put a snake in the water 🙂

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