The saddest moment in “Jeopardy” history?

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An 8th-grade “Jeopardy” contestant misspelled a word and lost prize money. He says he was cheated. John Berman reports.

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jojag5 says:

Those are the rules. You have to spell it right, or at least reasonably
close. You can’t just change the rules because he’s a kid. 

Red Pill Philosophy says:

Dumb kid plays the elitist, pseudo-intellectual game of memorizing and
regurgitating random useless facts, otherwise known as “Jeopardy”, then
gets butthurt because Alex held him to a high elitist standard. Get used to
it you little prick, that’s what you get for playing the game of

SupaFlyFatGuy859 says:

Here’s a kid that was raised in the “Everybody gets a trophy for trying”
generation. Fuck that shit. You spelled the shit wrong kid. Pull your big
boy panties up and deal with it! You’re on a show that brings the smartest
of the smartest together to compete. Misspelling a word is a part of that

Jonathan DInh says:

A wrong answer is a wrong answer. The show is just being fair and unbiased.

Jake Allard says:

Do they not get it?! He could not have won anyway!!! I saw that episode as
it unfolded, and the kid didn’t bet enough to beat out the other kid,
regardless of if his wrong answer was correct.
Regardless, it’s a game-show with the same judges and set of rules for all
contestants. They need to get over this. Especially the people mad at Alex
Trebek. Do they not realize that Alex is not the guy that judges the
questions? He reads them; Alex is just the host. So that dumb kid needs to
realize he lost.

PS: The kid was given a chance to come back, just to shut him up. They gave
him a second chance on Jeopardy, after he lost, just so he would stop his

Charlie Chuckleberry says:

Ok, now all you assfucks know why kids don’t play jeopardy. I honestly
think wheel of fortune is worse. There was an episode with three jarheads
that had every letter solved but all three couldn’t read the words

Maybe they should make a new “Kids Jeopardy” that doesn’t keep score and
everyone wins a participation trophy. Isn’t that how life works now?

elizabeth lin says:

They don’t penalize for misspellings in Final Jeopardy now. I only know
this because on Friday’s episode a few kids misspelled heimlich maneuver
and they still got the points for it. 

Assassin says:

You go to a show called Jeopardy that’s about knowledge, and precise
information then wonder why they act smug?
You went to their show, you knew the rules, and you misspelled the word.
Tough break, but it is what it is.
If your kid is smart, tell him to learn some fucking English before
competing again.

Michael Meissner says:

I have to agree with Jeopardy! on the fairness of treatment. It was spelled
incorrectly, so it was wrong. There is no such thing as the “Emanciptation
Proclamation”, after all. But Alex Trebek was condescendingly smug about
it, and even incorrectly pointed out the error when he said the kid “put a
‘P’ in there”. The “P” was in the correct place, it was the “T” that
followed it that was out of place. Should we let Alex Trebek keep hosting
if he can’t even spell what’s literally right in front of his face? And
when he’s such a douchebag? You’re not smart, Alex, the answers are given
to you so you can properly host, don’t be a condescending ass because you
can read good.

Sean Middlehurst says:

So as a Brit, I am unfamiliar with these rules, but from what I have taken
in from the comments, I have come to a conclusion. This isn’t specifically
about the video, but more towards the rules of Jeopardy itself, using the
video as an example. Say if one did spell it as “emanciptation”, he would
get it wrong, as it is a different pronunciation to “emancipation”, but it
would be acceptable for “emancippation” or “emansipation”. Hopefully I’m
getting this so far. Since “emanciptation” isn’t a real word, then it
doesn’t have a set pronunciation, so could one argue the fact that the
misplaced ‘t’ is actually silent, and that the word is pronounced
identically to “emancipation”? The English language has many
inconsistencies with spellings and their pronunciations, so it is possible,
though unconvincing, to argue that they are pronounced the same. Following
on, would one accept “uhmansipayshon” as a correct answer (or any other
badly misspelled homophone) or is that too misspelled? The problems with
these rules seem to link to the flaws in the consistency of pronunciations
in the English language. Please give your feedback to my ideas, add-ons,
criticisms and corrections all acceptable, unless in the form of a classic
YouTube comment.

Marcus Henness says:

I could spell emancipation in 8th grade.

hebber1961 says:

He wouldn’t have won anyway??? Makes his whining even worse and the story

Displaced Jonesable says:

Can someone (who’s IQ is higher than their age) explain to me, what
Jeopardy is?

IpoopKrabbyPatties says:

That’s sad, How dare Alex.

butterstix24 says:

“You put a ‘P’ in there”. Ironic much?

camel595 says:

What the fuck? So now the producers are supposed to guess what’s in the
mind of a contestant if they misspell it? Of course in this scenario it was
obvious what he meant, but they have to draw the line somewhere so people
can’t get confused when contestants misspell things badly. It’s the rules
and it’s a game show, deal with it there are plenty of worse things in life
kid… And hose saying that Alex was smug? What the fuck? You all must be
sensitive as fuck if you think that was smug. Go back to crying in the
corner and leave the real world to us real people

Anthony Ricci says:

First world problems. 

note2owns says:

Alex Trebek always has a passive smug attitude towards contestants. Like
when a contestant gets a wrong answer he always makes sure he addresses
them and states it was this answer not that answer. No shit Alex!! When
they answer and you respond “No, Sorry” I think they pretty much get the
point. No need to draw it out and give them a complex on the spot.

Adam Gall says:

No way. He should have won that. Spelling does not dictate whether or not
an answer is correct, the accuracy of the targeted response is. if he got
it right, then he should have won. And he did get it right.

Sharapstar says:

rules are rules. I’m sure the producers go over and make all the rules and
requirements clear. It’s not like it’s a new rule that just started. It’s
been that way many years before that kid was even born, It sucks but c’mon
stop playing the pity card

megamanj2004X says:

Rules ARE RULES, buddy. You won’t be the first contestant in history to get
caught misspelling or mispronouncing a correct answer or the last. And I
can’t stand parents who mollycoddle their children when they screw like
this. It’s this thing called responsibility. Maybe 10-15 years from now,
this kid will realize the error of his ways.

And there’s the recent Kids Week where this girl finished Double Jeopardy!
in the hole and the producers allegedly asked Alex to reshoot that segment
and he refused (and rightfully so) and her parents did the same thing this
little dude’s parents did.

jmitterii2 says:

My spelling ability stinks. So I would certainly fail at Jepordy. ;)~

Jacob Harris says:

The only thing bad about this is that Alex said “you put a P in there” but
he actually put a T. Other than that, everything done by Jeopardy was fine,
if he spelled it wrong then it’s not the right answer, people shouldn’t be

TheShutYoMouth says:

How do you misspell emancipation in the 8th Grade, while on Jeopardy? I
could understand if he was in 5th, 6th, or maybe even 7th Grade. But he’s
about to be a Freshmen in High School. Pick up a damn dictionary.

JazzKeyboardist1 says:

6/4 /14 accepted both Pentathlon and PentathAlon, it changes syllables and
6/14/05 accepted Vilnius but declined Vilnuis,
source J! archive, The contestant should have written it in illegible

Yvette Lipford says:

How about Alex messed up? He said the boy put a “p” in there (it’s
supposed to be there) and then went on to mispronounce it. 

TraumaER says:

No Jeopardy taught him a valuable lesson in life – LEARN TO SPELL!

Austin Roberts says:

Jeopardy! has to draw the line somewhere. For legal purposes. The rule is
clearly that the contestant must not change the pronunciation of the word
in his or her spelling of the word, and that rule eliminates all gray area.
Everyone defending the kid, including the kid himself, is just

Jimmie Stone says:

He got what he deserved. He spelled the answer wrong. Thus, the answer in
his head is right, but what he wrote on paper was wrong. Get over it. You
lost, kid

Imma Ten says:

well, that kid is a fucking idiot for misspelling.

Becca Davis says:

I feel bad for the kid, I really do. It hurts me to see kids cry. But, with
that being said. I’m siding with Jeopardy on this one. Kids these days are
way too babied. If that were an adult who misspelled the answer and was
spared, there would be an uproar. Children need to learn that life isn’t
gumdrops and rainbows. It’s why kids these days are arrogant assholes. Stop
sucking the teet, put on your big boy pants, accept the loss, and learn
from it. You will reap so much more and become so much more in the end. 

Jason Kieffer says:

He still would of lost… Don’t be such a sore loser 

Magoonski says:

If you’re smart enough to be on Jeopardy, you should be smart enough to
know how to spell.

robert glenn says:

Alex Trebek is an asshoel

Chris Martin says:

come on jeopardy… you fucking idiots…. he had the right answer. you
morons. fucking retards. 

zh11147 says:

There have been plenty of misspellings on final jeopardy since then, and
they’ve All been approved, if the answer was correct

John M says:

Maybe Americans should learn to spell?

AmericanPride1234 says:

I like the quote “When did jeopardy become a spelling bee” huh well, the
host of jeopardy is also the host of the annual national geographic
spelling bee. Lol.

I totally do feel bad for the kid. However, I do understand jeopardys
point. I am very sure the rules of the game was given to all of them and he
signed off on it. I would have cried as well. 11-19-14

dsmith jesus says:

I watch Jeopardy all the time and countless times I’ve seen them reject an
answer when it was clear the contestant knew the answer but didn’t know how
to say, pronounce or spell it (like what’s the capital of Iceland? –
Reykjavik). The kid knew the answer and it was considered wrong. I think
it’s brutal every time I see that, not just this time 

Chantel Spriggs says:

Get the fuck over it. Next time, read the rules of the contract that you
sign off on before complaining. 

paudeline says:

Just watched the IBM challenge with watson. The computer mispronounced
dozens of words, but wasn’t penalized.

miloesalazar says:

Learn to spell, pain and simple and quit bitching.

Jason Young says:

He would have lost anyway, get the fuck over it

Kay Bear says:

I thought spelling didn’t matter in “final” Jeparty!

scbonduk says:

Technically he got the answer wrong by misspelling it.

Chris Martin says:

Rules are rules i suppose.

Matt Thorpe says:

Sorry that kid is in the wrong. You have to get it right, that includes
spelling it right.

DiskoSpider says:

It doesn’t matter. He wouldn’t have won! Nothing changed! He didn’t lose
anything because of that.

TouchyBanana says:

That boy’s parents must be retarded

4chanforeveryone says:

I bet he’ll never misspell emancipation ever again. I could see him being a
parent someday just screaming at his kids “THAT’S NOT HOW YOU SPELL

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