Top 30 funniest ever News bloopers

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2014. Laugh till you cry.

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smolkafilip says:

Calling the police for being punched by a 60+ year old? Is that reporter a
pussy or what? Plus he was trespassing so calling the police is not a good

Queter says:

The first was swedish XD

Bill Sheridan says:

8:23 – Wow! I am so glad I’m not in the new broadcasting business. Can
you image, this woman faints or, who knows, has a heart attack for all
anyone knows, and neither of the two anchors bothers to run over to her.
Come on!

ArdinVincent says:

The reporter was such a wiener. The old man didn’t tell him not to go in?
That justifies intrusion? Well he didn’t tell the old guy not to punch him
in the face.
The way he is performing in his job…he’s just cruising for a future of

Cody Grenzke says:

#12 was of the MSNBC channel… typical morons thinking it’s perfectly okay
to talk like that out loud on air when there could possibly be little kids
or other people who don’t like that language watching that channel.

But of course, everybody who works for that channel has no sense of class
and are a bunch of liars who say pretty disgusting things, so I wouldn’t
expect anything good from those people. And you wonder why you’re failing,

Elliott Quinn says:

fucking pussy at 6:23

hate weak little cunts who arent man enough to have a fair fight.

2 guys sucker punched me n kicked me while on the ground last week while i
was drunk, ever since ive quit drinking and aim to decimate all these
lonely little evil pricks haha

all us good folk need to start binding some pussy boy spines

Rycka Cyris says:

That cat be like : gawd someone kill me already that fat bitch is crazy

GoldenLampz says:

That last dude was such a cock

CDubs HasIt says:


Henry Pettersen says:

Stupid little shit at the end. Fucking reporters thinking they have the
right to invade people’s lives and privacy. Thinking you can just waltz on
in to the old guy’s shop. Great job old man. So glad he got punched. And
the reporter shouldn’t be able to press charges he was instigating the
whole thing the old guy was clearly just trying to go in his store.

Cole444Train says:

HAHAHAHA these are great. poor guy got bird shit in his mouth, i felt bad
for him :/

Blake Laurie says:

What on earth happened to the woman at 8:12 , did she fart and faint? Lol

Joshua Keys says:

well I would of punched that old guy right in the fucking dick

Sebastian Brinck Nielsen says:

The first one was Danish!!!!!!!!!!!!

LFC YNWA says:

@13:30 What a Fucking little pussy. hit the old dude back you little Punk.
instead you wanna call the police? 

Robert Snazzlepuff says:

dude is #3 the same lady as “aint no body got time for that?”

ThatChillaxedGamer says:

1:25 What’s the deal? Is it ‘funny’ just because he screwed up his lines or
did I miss something?

gudjon dore says:

i like the first 1 juist cause he says ok and gives up

noah bender says:

I’m a big cat person 

Stannis Baratheon says:

He seen my tits. No big deal

InfamousNathan says:

I saw 8 before bloody hilarious!


That last reporter.. pulling open the man’s door? ..really?
I’m soo happy he got punched! ..he was a pushy idiot! 

Aavious says:

At 10:20 I died a little linside.

AdderLP says:

3:05 dude thats not funny at all. Idiot

Cheesy Cola says:

1:38 “Yay, fucking shit”

SorrowfulLesson says:

The way she said “other physical activities” at 7:45 had me crying I was
laughing so hard LOL

Ellis01234567890 says:

What happens at 5:05? I can’t tell what they’re saying

jackie flowers says:

3:23 nice drift bro

Nick Gatian says:


Caelin Golladay says:

I would have punched that guy several times. Fuck jail. It would be so
worth it. Intrusive reporter assholes. Oh and if you say that he wasn’t
asked to leave, his fist did all the telling for him.

Samus Aran says:

10, the cutest.

none says:

5:00 she looks like a porn star…

Michael Nguyen says:

0:42 LOL typical indians holding hands hahahaha.

Tariq Aslam says:

What happened to the lady that farted and passed out?

Eleanorminblack says:

love the hailstorm one

TheEliteKiller115 says:

2:08 i would do the same

lexi martineau says:

10:50 I guess someone stole the pizza….

SetupFailed says:

Failure Number 12 was funny XD I had to pause the video to make sure there
was nothing on in any other tabs that one guy in the background yelling XD
was awesome

ZincyCommentor says:

5:18 its obvious – hes thinking about pussy

Mitchell Robertson says:

Lol that last one

GentlemanMC SubforFun says:

10:12 LMAO

Cody Gwin says:

Can someone fill me in on what’s so funny about the lady saying “they’re
probably shocked by the gas prices?” I’ve seen some comments talking about
how funny that is. I don’t get what’s funny about it.

Nina Garcia says:

10:37 ”Real Life Angry Birds”

Claus Larsen says:

that i wanted to say was danish

Lekks Luthor says:

#9 That must have been the mother of all farts.

Anurag Gaire says:

that ‘ok’ at the start killed me

Jenni Ron says:

Newswoman – “Would you not eat my pants”
Goat – “Screw you lady”

Jeremy Sanders says:

“Ummm, Thanks Van. I’m very excited. I graduated from West Virginia
University and I’m used to, um, you know, from being, from the n…east

M Re says:

…..are you kidding me?

TankzOnline says:

I watched this because it was the only News Bloopers video without boobs in
the preview picture.

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